Manufacturer First Made Discontinue
or or or
Company Earliest Record Last Record
Aetna Sewing Machine Co., Lowell, Mass. ca. 1867 ca. 1877
Aiken and Felthousen Ithaca, N.Y. ca. 1855 before 1880
American Sewing Machine Co. 1854
American Buttonhole, Overseaming and Sewing Machine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 1869 ca. 1874
Later New American (fig. 69)
American Sewing Machine Co., Philadelphia ca. 1874 ca. 1886
American Magnetic (fig. 70)
American Magnetic Sewing Machine Company, Ithaca, N.Y. 1853 1854
Atlantic (fig. 71) 1869 ca. 1870
Atwater (fig. 87) 1857 ca. 1860
Avery Sewing Machine Co., New York, N.Y. 1852 185-
Avery Manufacturing Co., New York, N.Y. 1875 1886-1900
A. Bartholf Manfr. A. Bartholf, manufacturer, New York, N.Y. ca. 1850 185-
Blodgett & Lerow patent 1849 (see also)
A. Bartholf Manfr. A. Bartholf, manufacturer, New York, N.Y. 1853 ca. 1856
Howe’s patent, 1846 (fig. 72)
A. Bartholf, manufacturer 1857 1859
Bartholf Sewing Machine Co. 1859 ca. 1865
Bartlett (fig. 73)
Goodspeed & Wyman 1866 ca. 1870
Bartlett Sewing Machine Co., New York, N.Y. ca. 1870 1872
Baker —— —
before 1880
Bartram & Fanton (fig. 74)
Bartram & Fanton Mfg. Co., Danbury, Conn.
1867 1874
Bay State
—— — before 1880
Beckwith (fig. 75)
Barlow & Son, New York, N.Y.
Beckwith Sewing Machine Co., New York, N.Y. 1872 ca. 1876
Blees Sewing Machine Co.
Blodgett & Lerow
O. Phelps, Boston, Mass.
(fig. 21) Goddard, Rice & Co., Worcester, Mass. 1849 1850
(fig. 20) A. Bartholf, manufacturer, New York, N.Y. 1849 185-
Bond —— — before 1880
Boston J. F. Paul & Co., Boston, Mass. 1880 —
Later New Boston Boston Sewing Machine Co., Boston, Mass. — after 1886
Boudoir (fig. 76) Daniel Harris, inventor and patentee
Manufacturer—several 1857 ca. 1870
Bradford & Barber Bradford & Barber, manufacturers, Boston, Mass. 1860 1861
Brattleboro Samuel Barker and Thomas White, Brattleboro, Vt. ca. 1858 1861
Buckeye Wilson [W.G.] Sewing Machine Company, Cleveland, Ohio ca. 1867 ca. 1876
Later New Buckeye (fig. 77) (see Wilson)
Buell, “E. T. Lathbury’s Patent” A. B. Buell, Westmoreland, New York ca. 1860 —
Burnet & Broderick Burnet, Broderick and Co. 1859 ca. 1860
Centennial (fig. 78) Centennial Sewing Machine Co. (see McLean and Hooper), Philadelphia, Pa. 1873 1876
Chamberlain Woolridge, Keene and Moore, Lynn, Mass. 1853 ca. 1854
Chicago Singer Scates, Tryber & Sweetland Mfg. Co., Chicago, Ill. 1879 1882
Later Chicago Chicago Sewing Machine Co. 1882 ca. 1885
(see Shaw & Clark)
Clark (fig. 42) D. W. Clark, Bridgeport, Conn. ca. 1858 after 1860
Clark’s Revolving Looper [double thread] (fig. 79) Lamson, Goodnow & Yale, Windsor, Vt. 1859 1861
(see Windsor)
Clinton Clinton Brothers, Ithaca, N.Y. ca. 1861 ca. 1865
Companion Thurston Mfg. Co., Marlboro, N.H. 1882 —
Crown Florence Sewing Machine Co., Florence, Mass. 1879 after 1886
(see Florence)
Dauntless (later New Dauntless) Dauntless Mfg. Co., Norwalk, Ohio 1877 after 1882
Davis J.A. Davis, New York, N.Y. ca. 1860 —
Davis Vertical Feed Davis Sewing Machine Co., Watertown, N.Y. 1869 after 1886
Davis Vertical Feed and Rotary Shuttle Davis Sewing Machine Co., Dayton, Ohio after 1886 1924
Decker (also The Princess) Decker Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. — before 1881
Demorest Demorest Mfg. Co (formerly N.Y. Sewing Machine Co.) 1882 1908
Diamond (formerly Sigwalt) Sigwalt Sewing Machine Co., Chicago, Ill. 1880 —
Domestic Wm. A. Mack & Co. and N. S. Perkins, Norwalk, Ohio 1864 1869
Domestic Domestic Sewing Machine Co., Norwalk, Ohio, acquired by White Sewing Machine Co. in 1924 and maintained as a subsidiary at Cleveland, Ohio. 1869 [A]
Dorcas John P. Bowker, Boston, Mass. 1853 185-
Du Laney (fig. 80)
Also called Little Monitor (see)
Durgin Charles A. Durgin, New York, N.Y. 1853 after 1855
Eldredge Eldredge Sewing Machine Co., Chicago, Ill. 1869 1890
Sloat’s Elliptic George B. Sloat and Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ca. 1858 ca. 1860
Sloat’s Elliptic Union Sewing Machine Co., Richmond, Va. 1860 1861
Elliptic Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co. 1861 ca. 1867
Elliptic Sewing Machine Co., N.Y., N.Y. 1867 before 1880
Empire (fig. 86) Empire Sewing Machine Co., Boston, Mass. ca. 1860 1869
Later Remington-Empire
Empress Manufactured on order through Jerome B. Secor, Bridgeport, Conn. 1877 —
Estey Estey Sewing Machine Co. ca. 1880 1882
Estey, Fuller-Model Brattleboro Sewing Machine Co., Brattleboro, Vt. 1883 after 1886
Eureka (fig. 81) Eureka Shuttle Sewing New York, N.Y. 1859 —
Excelsior Excelsior Sewing Machine Co., New York, N.Y. 1854 1854
Fairy (figs. 51, 52) Madame Demorest, New York, N.Y. 1863 ca. 1865
Finkle, M. (fig. 82) M. Finkle, Boston, Mass. 1856 ca. 1859
Finkle & Lyon Finkle & Lyon Sewing Machine Co., Boston, Mass. ca. 1859 1867
Later Victor
First and Frost First and Frost, New York, N.Y. ca. 1859 ca. 1861
Florence (fig. 83) Florence Sewing Machine Co., Florence, Mass. ca. 1860 after 1878
Later Crown
Folsom Folsom, J. G., Winchendon, Mass. 1865 ca. 1871
(see Globe and New England)
Fosket and Savage Fosket and Savage, Meriden, Conn. 1858 1859
Foxboro Foxboro Rotary Shuttle Co., Foxboro, Mass. ca. 1882 —
Franklin Franklin Sewing Machine Co., Mason Village, N.H. 1871 1871
Free Free Sewing Machine Co., Chicago and Rockford, Ill. 1898 [A]
Gardner C. R. Gardner, Detroit, Mich. 1856 —
Globe (figs. 84, 85) J. G. Folsom, Winchendon, Mass. 1865 1869
Gold Medal (chainstitch) Gold Medal Sewing Machine Co., Orange, Mass. 1863 1876
Gold Medal (running stitch) —— 1863 ca. 1865
Gold Hibbard Hibbard, B. S., & Co. 1875 —
Goodbody (sewing shears) Goodbody Sewing Machine Co., Bridgeport, Conn. 1880 ca. 1890
Goodes Rex & Bockius, Philadelphia, Pa. ca. 1876 before 1881
Goodrich H. B. Goodrich, Chicago, Ill. ca. 1880 ca. 1895
Grant Brothers (fig. 90) Grant Bros. & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 1867 ca. 1870
Greenman and True (fig. 91) Greenman and True Mfg. Co. Norwich, Conn. 1859 1860
Morse and True 1860 1861
Green Mountain —— ca. 1860 —
Griswold Variety L. Griswold, New York, N.Y. ca. 1886 ca. 1890
Grover & Baker (figs. 34-36, 92) Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Co., Boston, Mass. 1851 1875
Hancock (figs. 93, 94) —— 1868 before 1881
Heberling Running Stitch John Heberling 1878 ca. 1885
Herron’s Patent (fig. 95) —— 1857 —
Higby Higby Sewing Machine Co., Brattleboro, Vt. ca. 1882 after 1886
Later Acme
Home Shuttle Johnson, Clark & Co., Orange, Mass. 1869 after 1876
Homestead —— ca. 1881 —
Household Providence Tool Co., Providence, R.I. 1880 ca. 1884
Household Sewing Machine Co. ca. 1885 1906
(figs. 96, 97)
Howe Sewing Machine Co., New York, N.Y. 1853 1873
(company of A. B. Howe sold to Howe Machine Co.)
Howe (fig. 98) Howe Machine Co., Bridgeport, Conn. 1867 1886
Howe’s Improved Patent (fig. 107) Nichols and Bliss, Boston, Mass. 1852 1853
J. B. Nichols & Co. 1853 1854
which became Leavitt Nichols, Leavitt & Co., Boston, Mass. 1854 1856
N. Hunt, which became Hunt and Webster (figs. 99, 100) N. Hunt & Co., Boston, Mass. 1853 1854
Hunt and Webster, Boston, Mass. 1854 1857
Later Ladd and Webster (see)
Improved Common Sense (fig. 102) —— ca. 1870 —
Independent Noiseless Independent Sewing Machine Co., Binghamton, N.Y. 1873 —
Jennie June June Mfg. Co., Chicago, Ill. 1881 1890
Later Belvidere, Ill.
Jewel Jewel Mfg. Co., Toledo, Ohio 1884 after 1886
Johnson (fig. 103) Emery, Houghton & Co., Boston, Mass. 1856 after 1865
Keystone Keystone Sewing Machine Co. before 1872 ca. 1874
Ladd & Webster (fig. 101) Ladd, Webster & Co., Boston, Mass. 1858 ca. 1866
Ladies Companion (fig. 115) —— 1858 ca. 1858
(see Pratt’s Patent)
“Lady” (fig. 104) —— 1859 —
Landfear’s Patent (fig. 105) Parkers, Snow, Brooks & Co., West Meriden, Conn. 1857 —
Langdon L.W. Langdon 1856 —
Lathrop (fig. 106) Lathrop Combination Sewing Machine Co. 1873 —
Leader Leader Sewing Machine Co., Springfield, Mass. 1882 —
Leavitt (fig. 108) Nichols, Leavitt & Co., Boston, Mass. 1855 1857
Leavitt & Co. 1857 ca. 1865
Leavitt Sewing Machine Co. ca. 1865 1870
Leslie Revolving Shuttle Leslie Sewing Machine Co., Cleveland, Ohio 1881 —
Lester (fig. 109) J.H. Lester, Brooklyn, N.Y. ca. 1858 early 1860
Lester Mfg. Co., Richmond, Va. early 1860 late 1860
Union Sewing Machine Co., Richmond, Va. late 1860 1861
Little Gem —— — ca. 1870
Little Giant Domestic Sewing Machine Co., Norwalk, Ohio ca. 1882 —
Little Monitor (not associated with Monitor) G.L. Du Laney, Brooklyn, N.Y. ca. 1866 after 1875
Love Love Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1885 after 1886
Lyon Lyon Sewing Machine Co. 1879 ca. 1880
Macauley Thos. A. Macauley Mfg., New York, N.Y. before 1879 —
Manhattan Manhattan Sewing Machine Co. ca. 1868 ca. 1880
McKay McKay Sewing Machine Assoc. 1870 1876
McLean and Hooper B. W. Lacy & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ca. 1869 ca. 1873
(see Centennial)
Meyers J. M. Meyers 1859 —
Miller’s Patent —— 1853 —
Monitor (fig. 88) Shaw & Clark Sewing Machine Co., Biddeford, Me. 1860 1864
Moore Moore Sewing Machine Co. ca. 1860 —
Morey & Johnson (fig. 18) Safford & Williams Makers, Boston, Mass. 1849 ca. 1851
Morrison Morrison, Wilkinson & Co., Hartford, Conn. 1881 —
Mower —— ca. 1863 —
National Johnson, Clark & Co., Orange, Mass. 1874 —
National (also sold under distributor’s name) National Sewing Machine Co. (consolidation of the June and Eldredge Companies), Belvidere, Ill. 1890 1953
Ne Plus Ultra (fig. 110) O. L. Reynolds Manufacturing Co., Dover, N.H. 1857 —
Nettleton & Raymond (fig. 111) Nettleton & Raymond, Brattleboro, Vt. ca. 1857 —
New England (figs. 112, 113) Charles Raymond (also by: ca. 1859 1866
Grout & White, Orange, Mass.; 1862 1863
William Grout, Winchendon, Mass.; 1863 —
and J. G. Folsom, Winchendon, Mass.) 1865 1865
Newell —— 1881 —
New Fairbanks J. H. Drew & Co. 1878 1880
Thomas M. Cochrane Co., Belleville, Ill. 1880 —
New Home New Home Sewing Machine Co., Orange, Mass. (in 1928 became affiliated with Free Sewing Machine Co.) 1876 [A]
New York ——, New York, N.Y. ca. 1855 ca. 1855
New York Shuttle N.Y. Sewing Machine Co., New York, N.Y. (later Demorest Mfg. Co.) before 1880 1882
Noble Noble Sewing Machine Co., Erie, Pa. before 1881 after 1886
Novelty C. A. French, Boston, Mass. 1869 —
Old Dominion Old Dominion Sewing Machine Co., Richmond, Va. ca. 1858 1860
Pardox —— ca. 1865 —
Parham Parham Sewing Machine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ca. 1869 ca. 1871
Parker Charles Parker Co., Meriden, Conn. before 1860 after 1865
Later Parker Sewing Machine Co.
Pearl —— Bennett ca. 1859 —
Philadelphia Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ca. 1872 ca. 1881
Post Combination Post Combination Sewing Machine Co., Washington, D.C. before 1885 after 1886
Pratt’s Patent (fig. 114) —— 1857 ca. 1858
Later Ladies Companion
Queen Dauntless Mfg Co., Norwalk, Ohio ca. 1881 —
Quaker City (fig. 116) Quaker City Sewing Machine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 1859 ca. 1861
Remington Empire
Later Remington Remington Empire Sewing Machine Co. 1870 1872
E. Remington & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa. 1873 ca. 1894
Robertson (dolphin & cherub) (figs. 40, 41) T. W. Robertson, New York, N.Y. 1855 after 1860
Robinson F. R. Robinson, Boston, Mass. 1853 ca. 1855
Robinson’s patent sewing machine with Roper’s improvement (fig. 117) Howard & Davis, Boston, Mass. 1855 —
Later Robinson and Roper (fig. 118) same 1856 before 1860
Royal St. John (formerly St. John) Royal Sewing Machine Co., Springfield, Ohio (later Free Co.) ca. 1883 1898
Ruddick —— ca. 1860 —
Secor Secor Machine Co., Bridgeport, Conn. 1870 1876
Sewing Shears (Hendrick’s patent) (fig. 43) Nettleton & Raymond, Bristol, Conn. ca. 1859 —
Sewing Shears American Hand Sewing Machine Co., Bridgeport, Conn. ca. 1884 ca. 1900
Shaw & Clark Shaw & Clark Co., Biddeford, Me. ca. 1857 1866
Running Stitch Machine (fig. 53)
Chainstitch Machine (fig. 119)
Chainstitch Machine (fig. 120) Shaw & Clark Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass. 1867 1868
Chicopee Sewing Machine Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass. 1868 ca. 1869
Sigwalt Sigwalt Sewing Machine Co., Chicago, Ill. ca. 1879 —
Singer (figs. 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 121, 122) I. M. Singer & Co. (later Singer Mfg. Co.). Moved from Boston to New York to Elizabethport, N.J. (factory). 1851 [A]
Springfield Springfield Sewing Machine Co., Springfield, Mass. 1880 —
Standard (chainstitch) (fig. 123) —— 1870 —
Standard (shuttle) Standard Shuttle Sewing Machine Co., New York, N.Y. 1874 ca. 1881
Standard Standard Sewing Machine Co., Cleveland, Ohio (acquired by Singer Co.) 1884 ca. 1930
Stewart Henry Stewart & Co., N.Y., N.Y. 1874 1880
Later New Stewart Stewart Mfg Co. 1880 ca. 1883
St. John (later Royal St. John) St. John Sewing Machine Co., Springfield, O. 1870 ca. 1883
Taggart & Farr (figs. 124, 125) Taggart & Farr, Philadelphia, Pa. 1858 —
Thompson C. F. Thompson Co. 1871 1871
T. C. Thompson, Ithaca, N.Y. ca. 1854 —
Union Johnson, Clark & Co., Orange, Mass. 1876 —
Victor Finkle & Lyon Mfg. Co. 1867 ca. 1872
Victor Sewing Machine Co., Middletown, Conn. ca. 1872 ca. 1890
Wardwell Wardwell Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. ca. 1876 1890
Watson (fig. 126) Jones & Lee 1850 ca. 1853
Watson & Wooster, Bristol, Conn. ca. 1853 ca. 1860
Waterbury Waterbury Co., Waterbury, Conn. 1853 ca. 1860
Weed T. E. Weed & Co. (became Whitney & Lyons) 1854 —
Weed Weed Sewing Machine Co. (reorganized from Whitney & Lyons), Hartford, Conn. 1865 —
Family Favorite 1867 —
Manu. Favorite 1868 —
General Favorite 1872 —
Hartford 1881 ca. 1900
Wesson Farmer & Gardner Manufacturing Co. 1879 1880
D. B. Wesson Sewing Machine Co., Springfield, Mass. 1880 —
West & Willson (fig. 127) West & Willson Co., Elyria, Ohio 1858 —
A. B. Wilson (fig. 23) E. E. Lee & Co., New York, N.Y. 1851 1852
A. B. Wilson’s patent seaming lathe Wheeler, Wilson, Co., Watertown, N.Y. late 1851 1856
Later Wheeler and Wilson (fig. 26, 27, 128, 129) Wheeler & Wilson Mfg.Co., Bridgeport, Conn. 1856 1905
Wheeler and Wilson Singer Co., Bridgeport, Conn. 1905 1907
White (fig. 130) White Sewing Machine Co., Cleveland, Ohio 1876 [A]
Whitehill Whitehill Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. ca. 1875 after 1886
Whitney Whitney Sewing Machine Co., Paterson, N.J. ca. 1872 ca. 1880
Whitney & Lyons Whitney & Lyons (a machine based on the 1854 patent of T. E. Weed) ca. 1859 ca. 1865
Wickersham Butterfield & Stevens Mfg. Co., Boston, Mass. 1853 —
Willcox & Gibbs (figs. 39, 131) Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Co., New York, N.Y. 1857 [A]
Williams & Orvis Williams & Orvis Sewing Machine Co., Boston, Mass. ca. 1859 after 1860
Wilson (fig. 89) Wilson (W.G.) Sewing Machine Co., Cleveland, Ohio ca. 1867 after 1885
(see Buckeye)
Windsor (one thread) Vermont Arms Co., Windsor, Vt. 1856 1858
Windsor Lamson, Goodnow & Yale, Windsor, Vt. 1859 1861
(see Clark’s Revolving Looper)
Name Unknown John W. Beane 1853 —
“ Henry Brind 1860 —
“ Garfield Sewing Machine Co. 1881 —
“ Geneva Sewing Machine Co. 1880 —
“ Gove & Howard 1855 —
“ Charles W. Howland, Wilmington, Del. ca. 1860 —
“ Miles Greenwood & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio ca. 1861 —
“ Hood, Batelle & Co. 1854 1854
“ Wells & Haynes 1854 1854
“ Wilson H. Smith, Birmingham, Conn. ca. 1860 —
[A] Still in existence.