Isidor Nasch, accordingly went to England in 1854.  

From 1866 to 1869 Isidor Nasch was in business with Julius Gutmann of Meyerber Strasse in Berlin. During that time they invented the two-needle button-hole sewing machine with rotary needle bar.

Patent des Isidor Nasch in Berlin auf die Herstellung einer 
verbesserten Knopflochnähmaschine
1869 US 90.528 Julius Gutmann
1869 US 90.528 Julius Gutmann




GB 3.249                                 Isidor  Nasch

of Berlin, in the Kingdom of Prussia, Manufacturer, for improvements in button-hole sewing machines.

November 11, 1869




Isidor Nasch settled down in London as a sewing machine manufacturer and dealer.

1870 advertisement
1870 advertisement


In 1872Frister & Rossmann started  exporting sewing machines to England. The agency may have been held in succession by two London firms.                   According to a letter from Hermann Loog to the Editor of the Sewing Machine Gazette, Mr. I. Nasch may have sold the Frister & Rossmann sewing machines under an English name and trade mark, or else they were supplied without any name or trade mark, for the purpose of affixing an English trade mark before they reached the public.


10 February 1875

On the 10th of February, 1875, Mr. Isidor Nasch writes to Frister & Rossmann at Berlin asking to be considered as their agent for England. On the following day Frister & Rossmann replied that they had not intention of sending a traveler to London and must leave him to make the best use he could of his activity, adding, " We had certainly not hitherto given you our representation for England. Should you wish to sell our machines on commission during your stay in England, we await your visit with a view to further conversation on the subject."

4 May 1875

On the 4th May, 1875, Frister & Rossmann wrote to Mr. Nasch in these terms: We authorize you herewith, during your stay in London, to take orders on our account for our machines, and promise you a commission of 2 1/2 per cent. on the sales communicated to us by you, and seventy five marks will be paid you for the journey to London, the agreement to be cancelled at any moment.

5 May 1875

On the 5th of May, 1875, Isidor Nasch answers the letter as follows: Acknowledging receipt of yours on the 4th instant, I accept the condition which you make. From this moment I. Nasch is on the employment of Frister & Rossmann company.


18 April 1876

On the 18th April 1876, Isidor Nasch was discharged by the Frister & Rossmann company.


March 1877

Isidor Nasch was General Agent for GRIMME, NATALIS & Co., LIMITED with the London office at : 16, FINSBURY PAVEMENT, E.C.


July 1879




And General Dealers in all kinds of Sewing Machines,



1879 May


Frister & Rossmann Sewing Machine Company  v. Isidor Nasch




3, March 1883

The NASCH’S PATENT BUTTON–HOLE ATTACHMENT AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED . CAPITAL, £ 15,000 in SHARES of £1 EACH , with temporary offices at 14, St Ann’s Square , Manchester and 4 Broad Street Building , London , E.C. , was formed to purchase the patent rights of Mr. Isidor Nasch’s Button-hole Attachment for Sewing Machines in Great Britain , Ireland , France , Belgium , Germany, Austria , Hungary and all countries including the United States of America and Canada. The attachment can be see in full operation on a “ WHITE “ machine , a “ SINGER” machine and a Bradbury and Co.’s “ Rotary Shuttle “ machine at either the Manchester or London offices of the company.

October 1883

Nasch's Button-hole Machine Company’s  Depot .... 248, High Holborn.

December 1883  

from The Journal of Domestic Appliances and Sewing Machine Gazette

     We  note that the premises of Nasch's Button Hole Company, in Holborn, are closed. Is the machine not such a success as was anticipated ? The invention seemed to us a good one, and likely to succeed, and the shop, situated in one of the busiest parts of London, was smart in appearance and had every sign of longer vitality than that accorded to it. Perhaps we shall hear of this machine later on, when Mr. Nasch's ingenious brain has rendered it even more perfect.



16 April 1887

The Society of Arts elected Mr. Isidor Nash a member of their worthy institution.

Mr. Nash has, we understand, developed two classes of machines for over-driven sewing, cording with thread edges, embroidering, eyeletting, and button-holeing  with Wilcox & Gibbs' single thread and Wheeler & Wilson's, double thread. The market for these specialities is extensive, and we hope that friend Nash will be well rewarded for the immense labour he has expended on his inventions.




Jan 1889

Mr. Isidor Nasch has taken space at the Paris International Exhibition for exhibiting his various sewing machine inventions, including his button-hole machine.

October 1889

Isidor Nasch winning bronze medal at the Paris International Exhibition. This sewing machine veteran showed considerable pluck in taking his miniature machine, " The Little Rose," to Paris. Highly honoured through exhibiting at the Paris Exhibition, entirely without solicitation he has been created a member of the French Acadamie Nationale.

November 1889


During the past month there have been held several meetings of sewing machine repairers residing in the east of London, for the purpose of discussing their grievances and taking steps to remedy same. Mr. Isidor Nasch has taken a leading part in bringing the trade together, and has placed before the repairers, in his usual forcible manner, the reasons why they should seek to put an end to the forces which are crippling them. As is well known, Whitechapel is a great manufacturing district and for some years past about a dozen small firms have made the repairing of sewing machines a leading feature of their business. They now find that the makers are supplying parts to the public at the same price as to the trade, thus rendering the existence of the repairers more and more precarious. Further, both makers and importers are now selling a single new machine to the public at the wholesale price. At the time of going to press the repairers have not yet decided what course to adopt, but are practically agreed that a union of the trade is desirable.


February 1890

Mr. Isidor Nasch, who is one of the oldest engineers in the trade, has just completed several new sewing machines, including a machine for overseaming and button-holing of ingenious construction.

May 1890 

A Bicycle on Very Easy Terms


Mr. Woolf saw a safety bicycle in the shop of Messrs. Nasch & Nasch, 251, Whitechapel Road. Before purchasing he was allowed to test it, which done, he agreed to pay £8 for same on delivery. Some six weeks after delivery he returned the machine, with a part of the frame broken, and told the makers that he would pay a portion of the cost of repairs; at the same time he asked Messrs. Nasch to re-nickel the pedals and affix to them square rubbers. The frame was at once mended, and another pair of pedals supplied on loan. When the original pedals were ready Mr. Woolf refused them, stating that the machine was away from town, and that the old pedals would do. Some time after this Mr. Woolf sues Messrs. Nasch for the return of his purchase money, on the ground that the machine was not made of Bessemer steel. On the 23rd ult. the case came before the County Court, and, by order of the defendant, the bicycle was brought into Court, not whole, be it said, but in pieces. On examination defendants found that these pieces had been in the fire, and damaged thereby. The Judge decided the case on these grounds : he said there must have been some contract between the parties as to a warranty. Verdict for plaintiff. This seems to us to be an extraordinary decision. When the machine was purchased nothing was said as to a warranty, and no evidence of such was produced. We have satisfied ourselves that Messrs. Nasch use sound materials in making their cycles, which their are open to prove to any of the trade that will call and see the identical machine in dispute. They would gladly have given a warranty had they been asked for same, so confident were they of the excellence of their bicycles. Clearly the judge was influenced in his decision by the fact that when the machine was repaired the makers did not charge for same, and, therefore, a warranty was understood. Messrs. Nasch, however, fully intended making a charge for repairs, together with the cost for re-nickelling the pedals, in one bill. As it is, their customer, after having had several months' use of the bicycle, gets back the whole of his purchase money, and they, in return, have back the machine in parts. The lesson taught by this case is, never to part with repaired machines without first being paid for same; further, if you use first class materials, as do Messrs. Nasch, have in court competent witnesses enough to prove this. Judges of the stamp of the one at Whitechapel are only too ready to believe that makers of articles use inferior materials, and ignore altogether possible unfair treatment on the part of users.


May 1891

Action for Libel by a Sewing Machine Manufacturer

0n the 1st May 1891, at the City of London Court, before Mr.Commissioner Kerr, Mr. Isidor Nasch and Mr. William Nasch, trading as Nasch & Nasch, sewing machine and bicycle manufacturers, 251, Whitechapel Road, sought to recover damages laid at £ 500 for alleged libel at the hands of the defendant, Mr. Jonas Wolff, of 235, Whitechapel Road. Mr. Ellis J. Davies was counsel for the plaintiffs, and Mr. Banks for the defendant. Mr. Davis said the libel complained of was a very serious one. The plaintiffs had been in business for 15 years  and in May last they sold a bicycle to the defendant, a publican in the neighbourhood. The price asked was £ 14, or £ 15, but ultimately the plaintiffs took £ 8. The defendant, after riding the bicycle for a few weeks, brought it back, saying it had broken down and was no use. He brought an action in the Whitechapel County Court for the return of the £ 8 which he had paid. The action resulted in Mr. Wolff's favour and he then sent what was represented to be a report of the proceedings to the East London Observer, where it appeared. That report was the libel complained of, because the report was untruthful from beginning to end, as it accused the plaintiffs, Nasch, of dishonesty and fraudulent trading. The proprietor of the newspaper had acted in a very gentlemanly manner by giving the name of the writer of the paragraph, and he had shown he was not actuated by malice in any way whatever. The plaintiffs now asked to be compensated for the defendant having supplied a very coloured and incorrect account of what took place at the Whitechapel Court. The defence was that the report was written bona fide, and was substantially accurate. Several witnesses were called on either side but two who appeared at the plaintiff's instance, admitted that the report was pretty accurate. The jury, after the learned Commissioner's summing up, found for the defendant.


November 1891

A COUNTY COURT JUDGMENT for £ 11 8s. 6d. was on November 11th registered against Nasch & Nasch, cycle and sewing machine makers, of 251, Whitechapel Road, E.

December 1891 

Mr. I. Nash, the well-known sewing machine inventor, has at last perfected the book-sewing machine, which has engaged his attention for a number of years. We have inspected several specimens of work done on these machines and must say that they are in every way equal to hand work. 



During the past five years we have several times referred to the exertions of Mr. Isidor Nasch in respect of a machine for sewing books. Last month we had the opportunity of examining several of these machines, factory-made and ready for immediate use by the trade, at the address of Nasch's Patent Book-Sewing Machine Co., 16, Barbican, E.C. From this it will be rightly inferred that the invention is at last complete, and that a company exists to manufacture and supply the machines to the bookbinding trade. Mr. Nasch is well-known to a large portion of the sewing machine trade as one of its many inventors and for close on a quarter of a century he has been a sewing machine manufacturer and dealer in the East End of London. Few of our readers, however, are aware that he is the son of a bookbinder, and that as far back as the early fifties, when quite a lad, he came to the conclusion, on seeing a " Thomas " sewing machine, that hand-sewing must inevitably give way to machine-sewing not only in respect of textile fabrics, but also as regards bookbinding. At this time young Isidor was pursuing his trade as a bookbinder in Germany and, as showing the of hand-sewing as impossible, or is it that they were miserable pay then common in the trade, we might here state that from one shilling to one shilling and sixpence per day was all that a male bookbinder was then able to earn. "This is not good enough for me," said the ambitious Isidor, and he accordingly came to this country in 1854 where several of his relatives had preceded him, intent on improving his position in life. For the sake of brevity we will ignore the intervening years, and pass on to 1870, when, having thoroughly studied mechanics, theoretical and practical, he settled down in London as a sewing machine manufacturer and dealer. He then turned his attention to improvements in sewing machines for the textile trade, especially as regards buttonholes, but his pet idea, formed when a mere boy, was this : Can I construct a machine which will produce book-sewing exactly like that done by hand ? The problem was by no means simple. At this time, 1871, there did not exist a single book-sewing machine, and practical mechanics in the sewing machine trade will admit on examining a hand-sewn book that its production by machinery means a stupendous amount of inventive skill. In his spare time for many years Mr. Nasch was always engaged on his pet idea, but other mechanics also were becoming alive to the fact that a book-sewing machine was required. The result has been the introduction of two such machines, one of German and the other of American origin. The inventors, however, appear to have considered the absolute duplication of hand-sewing as impossible, or is it that they were not acquainted with the peculiarities of the book trade ? We leave the answer to others ; suffice it to say that in 1891, when Mr. Nasch applied for provisional protection for a book-sewing machine, which had been the dream of his life for thirty years, there did not exist a single satisfactory invention of this character, and, so far as we know, the void has not since been filled up. Now, Mr. Nasch started his experiments with certain fixed notions, and among them he placed in the first rank the absolute necessity of producing a result exactly like hand-sewing, as he was convinced that no other kind of sewing was satisfactory. We can bear testimony to having seen in his workshop during the past eight or nine years a large number of machines which he from time to time condemned because they fell short of his requirements. Ultimately, however, he succeeded to his complete satisfaction, and, we are pleased to state, to the satisfaction of scores of bookbinders who have inspected and tested the " Nasch " machine. We are thus able to announce that the absolute duplication of hand book-sewing by machinery is at last an accomplished fact, and to add that the world owes the whole credit to a London sewing machine manufacturer. We have left ourselves very little space to refer to the details of the " Nasch " machine. Our illustration will convey a general idea of its characteristics. It will be seen that a series of straight ordinary sewing machine needles are posed at a slight angle each on a separate bar, and they are raised or lowered by cam-action. There is also used a series of crochet hooks, which not only rise and fall, but are also given circular motion. The method of working is for the operator to take a folded section, or " signature " as it is called in the trade, place it over the feeder, and start the machine by depressing the pedal. This causes the feeder to carry the " signature " under the needles. The needles then descend, and the loopers, which travel horizontally beneath the needles, engage with the thread and hold it until the crochet hooks descend and take up the thread from off the loopers. The " signature " is now sewn, and passes to the rear of the needles, where it awaits the next " signature," to which it is connected by the thread, also by the tape, cord, or muslin, which is sewn on the back of the signatures simultaneously. From the illustration it will be seen that there are numbers of large reels at the top of the machine, and it is around these that the tape, cord, or muslin is wound. On the left side of the machine is a lever which brings about a most ingenious change in the work. In some cases it is desired to sew the signatures "full," and in others '' alternate," or, to be more explicit, in order that the book shall be reduced in thickness, the sheets or "signatures "are sewn alternately in different places. No machine has hitherto been constructed to do alternate sewing, but the " Nasch " accomplishes this as completely as handwork, the change from one style of sewing to another being effected by simply touching the lever before mentioned. On timing this machine, we find that a single girl can produce on it the work often girls sewing by hand. It can be easily varied to sew sheets ranging from 4 1/2 inches to 16 inches, and there is absolutely no limit to the thickness of the book. It works with muslin in a perfect manner, and the cutting of a stitch in one section does not loosen the other signatures. No cutting whatever of the paper is required, and the length of stitch can be varied to any degree. We have examined a large number of books, ranging from tissue paper to vellum, sewn on the "Nasch," and we must say that they all opened flat, and, at the same time, with a good spring, and the sewing could really not be distinguished from handwork. Mr. Nasch has assuredly solved the book-sewing problem,, and we can well understand the anxiety of the bookbinders to obtain the use of his machines, which will beyond doubt be a source of considerable profit to both inventor and user.

 The Sewing Machine Gazette, June 1895



JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 7 (3) of 43 Viet., ch. 19 (Companies Act, 1880), that at the expiration of three months from the date hereof the names of the under mentioned Companies will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register and the Companies will be dissolved:

Nasch's Patent Book Sewing Machine Company Limited

Registrar of Joint Stock Companies. Companies' Registration Office, Somerset House, London, W.C.,

10th May, 1901


JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 7 (4) of 43 Viet., ch. 19 (Companies Act, 1880), that the names of the under mentioned Companies have been this day struck off  the Register and such Companies are hereby dissolved :

Nasch's Patent Book Sewing Machine Company Limited

Registrar of Joint Stock Companies. Companies' Registration Office,

Somerset House, London, W.C.,

16th August, 1901



Nasch's  Patents


US 90.528                            Julius  Gutmann

Sewing Machine, Buttonhole

May 25, 1869


GB 3.249                                 Isidor  Nasch

of Berlin, in the Kingdom of Prussia, Manufacturer, for improvements in button-hole sewing machines.

November 11, 1869


GB 413                                     Isidor  Nasch

of Berlin, in the Kingdom of Prussia and Grimme Charles, of Brunswick, in the Dukedom of Brunswick, manufacturers

Improvements in sewing machines to produce overcast and button hole  hems by means of one single needle.  The basis of this invention is common shuttle sewing machine the motion of the needle is  altered while the shuttle operates in the usual manner. While the stuff is being equally moved by the feed bar alternate motion is imparted to the needle, so that it passes once through the stuff and the second time close beside it, but the shuttle passes each time through the loop formed by the needle. On the shaft of the fly wheel there is cog wheel which gears into larger wheel on whose shaft is an eccentric by which an oscillating motion is imparted to lever. The other end of the lever is connected to piece which is coupled to tube by flange through which the needle bar can move. To make the simple quilting stitch, the tube with the needle holder may be adjusted and fixed in the proper position by screws.                   Provisional protection only.

February 11, 1870


US 104.630                            Isidor  Nasch

Sewing Machine, Buttonhole

June 21, 1870


GB 2.233                            Lake  William Robert

of the firm of Haseltine, Lake Co., patent agents, Southampton Buildings, London. A communication from Isidor Nasch of Berlin, in the Kingdom of Prussia and Charles Grimme, of Brunswick, in the Dukedom of Brunswick, manufacturers. Improvements in sewing machines for producing  over-cast and button-hole hems with single needle.

The basis of this invention is common shuttle sewing machine. The motion of the needle is altered while the shuttle operates in the usual manner. While the stuff is being equally moved by the feed bar, alternate motion is imparted to the needle, so that it passes once through the stuff, and the second time close beside it but the shuttle passes each time through the loop formed by the needle. On the shaft of the fly wheel there is cog wheel which gears in larger wheel, on whose shaft is an eccentric, by which an oscillating motion is imparted to lever. The other end of the lever is connected to piece which is coupled to tube by flange, through which the needle bar can move to make the simple quilting stitch. The tube with the needle holder may be adjusted in the proper position by screws.

August  1, 1870


GB 4.520                                 Isidor  Nasch

Improvement for the button-hole attachment for sewing machines

September 22, 1882


GB 10.298                                Isidor  Nasch

Improvements for mechanism attachable to the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine for facilitating the working of button holes

October, 1885


GB 2.558                                    Isidor  Nasch

Improvements in the construction of sewing machines for over sewing, embroidering, eye letting and button holing.  Price 8d.

February 22, 1886



US 558.832                            Isidor  Nasch

Machine for sewing Books

 April 21, 1896


US 634.698                             lsidor  Nasch

Improvement in Machines for Threading, Looping and Tying Flexible Materials

Assignor to the Smyth Manufacturing Company

October 10, 1899


GB 9.806                                 Isidor  Nasch

An improved machine for sewing together the sheets or signatures of books

June 10, 1891


GB 19.818

For a new or improved single thread sewing machine for sewing together the sheets or signatures of books

December, 1891


GB 7.042                                 Isidor  Nasch

Improvements in over-head or button-hole sewing machines

April, 1892
