by James Pigot (1818)
Macclesfield is a town of considerable trade, in the county of Chester, 18 miles from Manchester and 166 from London. This place was incorporated by charter, granted in the year 1261, by Prince Edward, son of Henry the Third, then Earl of Chester. The old Church is a large gothic structure, founded by Edward the First and Eleanor his queen, in 1279, many alterations have been made since that period, and it was nearly rebuilt in 1740. The new church, built by the late Charles Roe, Esq. is a regular and elegant pile of building, and was erected in little more than six months. The free grammar school was endowed by Edward the Sixth, with houses and land to the amount of £25. per annum; but this property now produces about £500 per annum. Here are also three alms-houses for poor widows, and two handsome recently-erected Sunday-schools. The corporation consists of twenty-four aldermen, one of whom is a mayor and justice of the quorum, assisted by a town-clerk, who is always coroner of the borough, two serjeants at mace, javelin bearers, &c. The mayor is also lord of the manor, and possesses the right of appointing the minister of the parochial church. Macclesfield may now be considered as the centre of the silk trade. Mills for the throwing of silk for weavers, and making sewing silk, are numerous and extensive, and contribute much to the increase and comfort of the neighbourhood. The regular trade was formerly in wrought buttons, of silk, mohair, and twist, but it has been declining some time. The cotton manufacture has been introduced here, and is now carried on to a very considerable extent.--The hundred of Macclesfield is the most extensive of any in Cheshire, comprising the whole of its north-eastern side, and partaking of the wild and hilly character of the neighbouring parts of Derbyshire and Yorkshire. The increase of the population of the town has been very considerable, and is now according to the latest calculation 14.700. The hills in the neighbourhood produce considerable quantities of slate, flags, &c. and the town is well supplied with coal and water. Fairs, May 6th. June 22nd. July 11th. October 4th, and November 11th. for cattle, wool, and cloth.
Needle Maker 1818
Avery George needle maker 3 Jordan Gate