sewing machines
In 1862 Pfaff constructed his first sewing machine after the Howe system. In July 1862, he delivered his first machine to the master shoemaker Jacob Peter from Kaiserslautern. Georg Michael Pfaff sewing machines were sold until 1866 by various manufacturers and then began to recreate Singer sewing machines and to build its own plant in Mozart Street.
In 1867 already 110 sewing machines were manufactured with 20 employees.
production figures were:
Year Annual Serial Numbers No. Employees Production
1862 1 1
1863 5 2 - 6
1864 40 7 - 46
1865 70 47 - 116
1866 80 121 - 196
1867 110 197 - 306 20
1868 250 307 - 556 20
1869 350 556 - 906 20
1870 490 907 - 1.396 20
1871 510 1.397 - 1.906 20
1872 1,000 1.907 - 2.906 30
1880 400
1881 400
1882 400
1883 400
1884 400
1885 400
1886 400
1887 400
1888 400
1889 400
1890 18,500 400
1891 25,000
1893 700
1901 1.000
1902 1.000
1903 1.000
1904 1.000
1905 1.000
1906 1.000
1907 1.400
1908 1.400
1909 1.400
1910 1.000.000
1926 2.600
1936 3.000.000
1937 4.500
1954 5.000.000
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