Lolly William needle and fish-hook manufacturer 32 Crosshall Street
Peakman Joseph needle and fish-hook maker Paradise Street
Lolley William needle and fish hook maker 118 New Scotland Road
shop 31 Crosshall Street
Squire John needle and fish hook maker 4 Wapping
Lolley William needle & fish hook maker 125 New Scotland Road shop: 31 Crosshall Street
Squire John needle & fish hook maker 4 Wapping
Squire John sail needle & tool maker 4 Wapping
by James Pigot (1818)
Liverpool is a commercial town of first rate importance, in the county of Lancaster, near the mouth of the river Mersey, about 204 miles distant from London and 36 from Manchester. On the arrival of the Romans in England, the ground on which this town now stands, was part of a kingdom inhabited by the Brigantes. When the Saxons divided this country, it formed a portion of the kingdom of Northumberland; we afterwards find, that in the year 1360, the tower, which had been erected in the town by Roger of Poictiers, was the property of Sir Thomas Latham; he gave it with his daughter to Sir J. Stanley and by him it was rebuilt and strongly fortified. Shortly after this early date, charters were granted to the town by Henry I. and John and Henry II, for a fine of ten marks, made it a corporation and free borough for ever. Since which time, various other charters have been granted, at different periods by succeeding monarchs.
As a town of importance Liverpool cannot claim a high antiquity; in the year 1565 there were only 138 householders and cottagers and the church was dependant on the adjoining parish of Walton. In the reign of William III. an act of parliament was obtained, enabling the corporation to build and endow a new church and to make Liverpool independent of Walton and from acts of parliament passed in succeeding reigns, we have evidence of the progressive prosperity and opulence of the town. St. Peter's was built at the beginning of the last century and Queen Anne granted to the corporation a lease, for 150 years, of the ground on which stood the castle, that had long been in ruins, at the yearly rent of £6 13s. 4d. and gave them all the old materials for the purpose of erecting a third church, which lease George I. afterwards made for ever; the building when finished, was dedicated to St. George, in honour of that prince. St. Thomas's church was consecrated in the year 1750; in the year 1769 St. Paul's was completed and since that period fifteen other churches have been opened for the increasing population of the town. Here are also twenty-five chapels for dissenters, a meeting-house for the society of Friends and
tº Jews' synagogue. -
The Town Hall, generally called the Exchange, was erected in 1749, at an expence of £30,000. It is a noble stone building, with two elegant fronts, decorated with some fine pieces of sculpture; one of which, representing Commerce presenting her treasures to
TNeptune, is particularly admired; within the building are the town hall, council room, assembly room, &c. In 1803 the ground to the north was cleared of the old and almost seless buildings by which it was covered and in their place three ranges of offices and warehouses have been erected, which form, with the old exchange, a most elegant square, the centre of which is ornamented by a noble mogument, to the memory of the late Lord Nelson. In the area of this square the mercilauts assemble, for the daily transaction of business, elegant piazzas affording a complete shelter when the weather is unfavourable and a news room, situated in one of the wings, offers every information which the news papers, reviews, &c. are capable of affording. The whole of these buildings have an aspect of metropolitan grandeur and form one of the principle ornaments of the town. The other public buildings are, the Corn Exchange, where a market is held every Tuesday and Saturday, from ten to one o'clock. The Lyceum News Room, is a handsome building and advantageously situated. The Union News Room is a fine structure and in the upper apartments the Society for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts has an annual exhibition of paintings, drawings, sculpture, &c.. This institution reflects honour on its patrons and supporters; it would be difficult to devise a better mode of disseminating a taste for elegant pursuits. The Athenaeum, in Church-street, is a neat structure, with an excellent news room. The Theatre is a commodious building, situated in Williamson-square and in Christian-street is a circus, for the exhibition of equestrian and other performances. Nor must we omit to notice the Botanic Garden, in Oxford-street-east; it is laid out with taste and supplied with plants from various parts of the globe, procured at a great expence.
This garden furnishes proof, that a love of science is not incompatible with commercial
pursuits. - - -
Liverpool may truly boast of its numerous and useful charitable establishments. In the
school called the Blue-coat Hospital, upwards of 200 children are maintained, clothed and
educated. The Infirmary was founded, and continues to be supported, on the most en
larged and liberal principles. Adjoining to it is the Hospital for seamen, their widows
and children; this is maintained by a monthly collection of sixpence, deducted from the
pay of every seaman who sails from Liverpool, by authority of an act of parliament. In
Church-street is the Dispensary, where two physicians and a surgeon attend every day, at
stated hours, and about 10,000 persons are annually said to receive medicine or advice from
this institution. In a neat building, on the London-road, enlightened humanity has esta
blished an asylum for those unfortunate individuals who have not the benefit of sight; in
this admirable School, the blind are supported, and taught some useful employment, while
the cleanliness, order, and contentment which pervade every part of the institution, for
cibly affect every feeling mind. The corporation, in the year 1775, established, at their
own expence, the institution for the recovery of apparently drowned persons. The Poor
house was erected in the year 1771. Here is also a society for the benefit of masters of
vessels, their widows and children. Besides the above, Liverpool has an auxiliary Bible
Society, National Schools, and many other benevolent institutions, for the relief or in
struction of persons of different descriptions. -
The Custom-house, situated at the east end of the Old Dock, in nearly the centre ofthe
town, is a brick building, ornamented with stone. The tobacco warehouses where that article
is deposited previously to the payment of the duty, are extensive and commodious edifices,
situated on opposite sides of the King's Dock. The docks are of a magnitude corresponding
with the commercial importance of the town. So far back as the year 1699, the Old Dock
was constructed; and in 1738 an act was passed for enlarging the entrance, erecting piers,
&c. The trade of the port encreasing, it was found necessary to construct other docks,—
Salthouse and St. George's were finished; the first stone of the latter was laid April 1st,
1767. These being found insufficient, King's Dock was opened on the 3d of Oct. 1788;
yet so rapid was the increase of trade, that another was found necessary, and Queen's Dock
admitted shipping into her spacious bosom on the 17th April, 1795. There is now building
another, to be called the Regent's Dock, situated on the North Shore. Some of these docks
communicate, so that ships can pass from one to the other, and into the graving docks,
without being obliged to return into the river. All the wet docks are also connected by
large tunnels, for the purpose of one dock washing or cleansing another. Here are also
five graving docks, and three dry docks. , "
In convenient situations, contiguous to the shipping, immense ranges of warehouses are
constructed; some of these are much admired for their height and extent. On the 15th of
February, 1802, a fine range, on the east side of St. George's Dock was destroyed by
fire; the damage was estimated at £323,000. Others have been since constructed; and
so near are the warehouses to the vessels, that the expence of loading or unloading is con
siderably less than in most other commercial places. -
Liverpool carries on a trade to most parts of the world, and is a depot for East and West
Indian and American produce. From this port the various manufactures of Manchester,
Birmingham, Sheffield, Staffordshire, Leeds, &c. are spread over the surface of the greater
* part of the habitable globe. By inland navigation, Liverpool communicates with every
principal town in the kingdom, and by this means receives additional wealth and import
ance. Packets also sail to and from Dublin, Belfast, Isle of Man, &c. The manufac
tures of Liverpool are principally refined sugar, glass, watches, soap, &c. there are also
salt works, copperas works, iron works, and many considerable breweries. Near the
town are many wind mills, for grinding corn and other articles; there is also a large tide
mill. An immense number of shipwrights or carpenters, ropers, sail makers, &c. are
also constantly employed in making, repairing, and equipping vessels. The more ancient
parts of the town are close and irregularly built, but the greater part is of modern con
struction, the streets are spacious, the houses regularly built, and some of them truly
magnificent; there are also several elegant squares. Everton, which is contiguous to, and
forms a suburb of Liverpool, commands a fine view of the river, and is covered with
houses, inhabited by the principal merchants of the town.
The air is considered salubrious, and the town is resorted to, in the bathing season, by
great numbers of people from the surrounding country. An extensive Floating Bath, has
been erected by Mr. Coglan, which adds much to the convenience and comfort of
bathers, whether inhabitants or visitors. The facility with which provisions may be con
veyed by the Mersey, ensures a plentiful supply; the river itself furnishing an abundance
of fish. In short, Liverpool has every advantage that can arise from a favourable com
mercial situation, improved by art. It is surrounded by a populous and productive coun
try, that furnishes ample cargoes for exportation; and consumes the rich returns of the
enterprising merchant. Liverpool is a corporate town, and returns two members to par
liament. The present Members are the Right Hon. George Canning, and General
Gascoyne. It is governed by a mayor, and two bailiffs, assisted by a town clerk, recorder,
and common council. Market days, Wednesday and Saturday; corn markets, Tuesday
and Saturday. Fairs, for horses and horned cattle, July 25, and Nov. 11. The popula
tion is upwards of 94,000.