Is a considerable trading town, in the county of Lancaster, it is situate on the River
Mersey, over which there has been lately built a wooden bridge, leading into Cheshire,
of one arch and of curious construction. Warrington is 18 miles from Manchester,
\ *nd eighteen frem Liverpool. The streets in some parts of the town, are narrow,
ill-built, and crowded, but in other parts, sufficiently wide and airy—here is a
church and chapel of ease, belonging the Establishment, and meeting-houses
for most denominations of dissenters. The principal trade of Warrington is in sail
cloth—there are also several extensive glass works; some cotton, coarse linens, and
checks are likewise manufactured here; and the town has been long celebrated for the
manufacture of Lancashire files. This place may, in some measure, be considered a kind
of sea port—vessels of seventy or eighty tons burthen, come up the Mersey, to a little
below the town; where warehouses for landing goods are erected. Warrington has cer
tainly encreased in wealth and population considerably, but not with that rapidity which
has distinguished many of the manufacturing towns in Lancashire—the amount of its po
pulation is about 12,000. This town from its situation on the Mersey has always been a
post of consequence during the civil commotions of this kingdom; and various actions
kave taken place on the spot, particularly in 1648, when a considerable slaughter was
made, and a capture of a large body of the fugitive Scotch army, under the Duke of Ha
milton, after the defeat of the combined royal army near Preston. It was to interrupt the
march of the pretender's army that the arches of the old bridge were broken down in
the year 1745, which obliged him to vary his intended route, southward, and to proceed
by the way of Manchester. , Here is an Academy for the education of youth, and prepar
ing them for trade and merchandize—a charity school, where twenty-six boys are educated
who, when old enough to be placed out apprentices, have a bible, common prayer book,
a: J a suit of clothes given them; their masters also receive apprentice fees, from the
funds of the charity. There is also an auxiliarly bible society, and likewise many Sunday
school establishments. Market day, Wednesday. Fairs July 13, St. Andrew, and No
vember 30; at this latter fair, which continues several days, much business is transacted;
a vast number of cattle, and large quantities of Irish linens, Welsh flannels, Yorkshire
clothes, and various other articles are exposed for sale.