A CONSIDERABLE trading and manufacturing town in the county of Lancaster,
pleasantly situated near the source of the river Douglas, about 196 miles from London, and
18 from Manchester. It is a corporation, erected by Henry I. and sends two members to
parliament. The church is a handsome structure, ancient beyond any traditionary account.
There are likewise places of worship for the generality of dissenters. Among the charitable
institutions, are a free grammar school, a blue-coat school, some alms-houses, founded by
‘Lady Braidshigh, and a good and convenient workhouse.—The manufaçture of linen
checks has long been a staple trade here, and added much to the benefit of the town
ealicos, fustians, &c. are also made to a very considerable extent, of a quality equal, at
least, to any other town in the county. The braziery, pewtery, brass foundry, iron
foundry, and irou forgery businesses also flourish here, and give employment to a vast
number of hands.--The whole neighbourhood of Wigan abounds with mines of most
excellent coal, the canael coal in particular, supposed superior to any in the island, is in
great demand, and much used throughout the county, Wigan Spa, or New Harrogate,
is a strong sulphurous water, discovered some years ago, in boring for coals in a field near
Scroles-bridge. It is said to greatly resemble the water of Harrogate in Yorkshire, only
that it does not contain so much saline matter. It has a considerable quantity of very
fine sulphur; and has been frequently recommended in a variety of complaints, with good
effect --There is now a very elegant building erected for the nse of those who resort to
this spring, with conveniences for drinking the water, and for using it either as a hot or
cold bath.--—Some years since, there was a well hear this town, which did not appear to
be a spring, but rather rain water. At first sight there was nothing about it that seemed
extraordinary; but upon emptying it, there presently broke out a sulphurous vapour,
which made the water bubble as if it boiled. When a candle was put to it, it instantly
took fire, and burned like brandy; the flame, in a calm season, would continue sometimes
a whole day, by the heat whereof they could boil eggs, meat, &c. though the water was
cold. This burning well, as it is called, is lost, supposed to be owing to the coal works
about the Hawkley demesne, near where it was. Experiments may be made in many
places in Wigan and the neighbourhood, similar to it.—The market-day is on Friday;
fairs, Holy Thursday and October 28, for horses, horned cattle, and cloths; and June 27,
which is held at Scroles, for cattle.