Stocking-making was commenced in Leicester as early as 168o by a Mr. Alsop, but owing to the popular prejudice against it, the manufacture, for a long period, made little progress.
Leicester 1815
01. Chawner William Friar Lane
02. Dawson Charles(Dallison) Belgrave Gate
03. Faulkner James Sanvey Gate
04. Gamble Henry Coventry Street
05. Hall Thomas Horsepool Street
06. Hall Walter Horsepool Street
07. Hartshorn C. Bond Street
08. Keene Richard Charles Street
09. Keene Richard Loseby Lane
10. Kilby Joseph Barkby Lane
11. Lakin Thomas Horsepool Street
12. Larrard G. Belgrave Gate
13. Meadows William Bond Street
14. Nurse William Peacock Lane
15. Rawson Thomas Belgrave Gate
16. Simpson F. (T.) Barkby Lane
17. Smith John Horsepool Street
18. Smith Thomas Belgrave Gate
19. Spencer George High Street
20. Wright Samuel Horsepool Street
Leicester 1818
01. Chowner William (Chawner) Friar Lane
02. Dawson Charles Belgrave Gate
03. Gamble Henry Coventry Street
04. Hall Walter Horsepool Street
05. Keen Richard Charles Street
06. Keen Thomas Loseby Lane
07. Larrad John Belgrave Gate
08. Mortimer George Belgrave Gate
09. Spencer George High Street
10. Wright Samuel Friar Lane
Leicester 1827
01. Allicock Joseph Infirmary Square
02. Burgess John Belgrave Gate
03. Chawner William Jewry-wall Street
04. Clark William Jewry-wall Street
05. Dawson Charles (Dallison) Belgrave Gate
06. Fancoate J. (Fencoat) Highcross Street
07. Frizle Thomas (Frizzle) Braunstone Gate
08. Godfrey Thomas Barkby Lane
09. Hall Walter Oxford Street
10. Hall Thomas Oxford Street
Hall Thomas Brown Street
11. Harris R. Oxford Street
12. Horner William Sanvey Gate
13. Hose William Waterloo Street
14. Juba Edward Welford Road
15. Keene Richard (Keen) Charles Street
16. King Charles Northgate Street
17. Knight John Humberstone Gate
18. Larrad J. Belgrave Gate
19. Lawrence Joseph Church Gate
20. Lenard Samuel Southgate Street
21. Meadows William Bond Street
22. Palmer Henry St. Nicholas Street,
23. Peake Thomas Grosvenor Street
24. Simpson Thomas Barkby Lane
25. Smith D. Redcross Street
26. Smith James Infirmary Square
27. Smith John Oxford Street
28. Smith Peter Swines Market
29. Spencer George High Street
30. Squires Joseph Northgates Street
31. Staynes William Barkby Lane
32. Stone Thomas Charles Street (Upper)
33. Varnon Thomas (Vernon) Carley Street - Wharf Street
34. Worth Charles (Charlesworth Edward) Northgate Street
35. Wright Samuel 70 Friar Lane
Leicester 1828-29
01. Burgess John Belgrave Gate
02. Cook John Barkby Lane
03. Dawson Charles (Dallison) Belgrave Gate
04. Fencoat William ( Fancoate) Highcross Street
05. Frizzle Thomas (Frizle) Duns Lane
06. Gamble Henry Applegate Street
07. Gammadge Robert Denman Street
08. Godfrey John (New) George Street
09. Higginbotham Thomas Carley Street
10. Horner William Sanvey Gate
11. Juba Edward Welford Road
12. King Chas Sanvey Gate
13. Knight John Humberstone Gate
14. Larrad James Belgrave Gate
15. Lawrence Joseph Mansfield Street
16. Meadows William Bond Street
17. Morris Rivers Barkby Street
18. Peake Thomas Cherry Street (Cherry tree yard)
19. Simpson Thomas Barkby Lane
20. Smith Peter Swine Market
21. Spencer George High Street
22. Squires Jos. Northgates Street
23. Staines William Barkby Lane
24. Vernon Thomas (Varnon) Carley Street
01. Burgess John George Street
02. Charlesworth Edward Northgate Street
03. Chawner William Friar Lane
04. Clark William Jewry-wall Street
05. Coltman William Wellington Street
06. Fancoate William High Cross Street
07. Frizzle Thomas Braunstone Gate
08. Gamble Henry St. Nicholas Street
09. Gamble John Wellington Street
10. Gammage Robert Wharf Street
11. Garner William Russell Street
12. Godfrey John Barkby Lane
13. Hall Walter Oxford Street
14. Hallam Thomas Oxford Street
15. Hallicock Joseph Oxford Street
16. Harris George Oxford Street
17. Harris Richard Oxford Street
18. Hill James Oxford Street
19. Horner William Sanvey Gate
20. Hubbard Benjamin Oxford Street
21. Jacock Wllliam Metcalf Street
22. Juba Edward Wilford Road
23. Knight John Humberstone Gate
24. Lakin Thomas Hollow, The
25. Larrard John Belgrave Gate
26. Lawrence J. Belgrave Gate
27. Lenord Samuel Southgate Street
28. Martin John Grove Street
29. Meadows William Old Bond Street
30. Morris Rivers Benford Street
31. Pendleton Paul Wharf Street
32. Rider John St. Nicholas Street
33. Simpson Thomas Barkby Lane
34. Smith Benjamin Wharf Street
35. Smith Frederick York Street
36. Smith James Wilford Road
37. Smith Randal Old Bond Street
38. Smith William Rutland Street
39. Spencer George High Street
40. Squires William High Cross Street
41. Stains William Barkby Lane
42. Taylor William Belgrave Gate
43. Varnon Thomas Regent Street
44. Vernon John Brown Street (Upper)
45. Wright Samuel (& patten) Friar Lane
Leicester 1841
01.Charlesworth Edward Northgate Street
02. Chawner William Friar Lane
03. Clark William Jewrywall Street
04. Fancote William High Cross Street
05. Forknall John Elbow Lane
06. Frizzle Thomas Braunstone Gate
07. Gamble Henry Northgate Street
08. Gammage Robert Wharf Street
09. Godfrey John Bedford Street
10. Hall Waiter Oxford Street
11. Homer William Sanvey Gate
12. Jacock William Metcalf Street
13. Knight John Humberstone Gate
14. Lakin Thomas Hollow
15. Lanard John Belgrave Gate
16. Lawrence Joseph Belgrave Gate
17. Lenord Samuel Southgate Street
18. Martin John Bedford Street
19. Morris Rivers Bedford Street
20. Pendleton Paul Wharf Street
21. Pickard Henry Sanvey Gate
22. Rider John High Cross Street
23. Smith Benjamin Wharf Street
24. Smith Randal East Bond Street
25. Spencer Ann High Street
26. Taylor William Belgrave Gate
27. Varnon Thomas Wharf Street
28. Wardle James Wharf Street
29. Wright Samuel Friar Lane
Leicester 1843
01.Allicock Joseph Oxford Street
02. Charlesworth Edward Northgate Street
03. Chawner William Friar Lane
04. Clark William
Jewrywall Street
05. Dallison Thomas Green Street
06. Frizzle Thomas Braunstone Gate
07. Gamble Henry Northgate Street
08. Gamble John York Street
09. Gammage Robert Wharf Street
10. Godfrey John 119 Bedford Street
11. Gunton Richard Castle Street
12. Hall Walter Oxford Street
13. Hallam Thomas Oxford Street
14. Horner William Sanvey Gate
15. Hubbard Benjamin Oxford Street
16. Hurst Joseph Welford Road
17. Jordan Henry York Street (Welford Road)
18. Juba Edward Welford Road
19. Knight John Humberstone Gate
20. Larrard John Belgrave Gate
21. Lawrence J. S. Belgrave Gate
22. Lenord Samuel Southgate Street
23. Martin John 101 Belgrave Gate
24. Moore William Eaton Street
25. Park William Grosvenor Street
26. Patrick Benjamin Welford Road
27. Pendleton Paul Wharf Street
28. Pickard Henry Sanvey Gate
29. Rider John Highcross Street
30. Shipman Richard 9 Denman Street
31. Simpson Thomas Bedford Street
32. Smith Ann Welford Road
33. Smith Benjamin 105 Wharf Street
34. Smith Frederick York Street
35. Smith Randall East Bond Street
36. Spencer Ann High Street
37. Staines William Barkby Lane Bedford Street
38. Taylor William 204 Belgrave Gate
39. Turner Henry 234 Belgrave Gate
40. Vernon Thomas 14 Hampton Street
41. Wardle James 119 Wharf Street
42. Wright Samuel Friar Lane
Leicester 1846
01. Battersby Samuel Edmund Marlborough Street
02. Burgess Rd. Russell Street
03. Charlesworth Edward Northgate Street
04. Clark William Jurywall Street
05. Cleveland James Hy. Oxford Street
06. Dallison Charles * 1 George Street
07. Fancot William Highcross Street
08. Forknerr Jno. manufacturer Orchard (ln)?
09. Frizzle Thomas Braunstone Street
10. Frizzle Jno. Bridge Street
11. Gamble Henry Burley's ln (Lane)
12. Gamble John York Street & Welford Road
13. Godfrey John 119 Bedford Street
14. Hubbard Benjamin 47 Oxford Street
15. Hurst Joseph Welford Road
16. Jordan Henry York Street
17. Juba Edward Welford Road
18. Knight Jno. Clarence Street
19. Larrad John manufacturer 188 Belgrave Gate
20. Lawrence Joseph Siah 99 Belgrave Gate
21. Lenord Saml Newarke Street
22. Moore William Eaton Street
23. Patrick Benjamin Welford Road
24. Peake Thomas Grosvenor Street
25. Pendleton Paul Wharf Street
26. Pickard Henry Burgess Street
27. Platt Joseph Craven Street
28. Richardson Thomas Northgate Street
29. Rider John Highcross Street
30. Smith Benjamin 128 Wharf Street
31. Smith Randall East Bond Street
32. Spencer Ann High Street
33. Taylor William 204 Belgrave Gate
34. Turner Henry 230 Belgrave Gate
35. Vernon Thomas (Varnon) Metcalf Street
36. Wardle Jas. Wharf Street
37. Wright Samuel Friar In (Lane)
* see Leicester 1861/22
Leicester 1847
01. Battersby Samuel Edmund 2 Marlborough Street
02. Battison Thomas Wheat Street
03. Bevens Samuel 168 Wharf Street
04. Burgess Richard 8 Russell Square
05. Dallison Charles George Street
06. Dallison Thomas Green Street
07. Charlesworth Edward Northgate Street
08. Clark William Jewry-wall Street
09. Cleveland James Henry Oxford Street
10. Fancote William Sanvey Gate
11. Forknall John Elbow Lane
12. Frizzle John West Bridge
13. Frizzle Thomas Braunstone Gate
14. Gamble Henry Burley's Lane
15. Gammage Robert 21 Wharf Street
16. Godfrey John senior Bedford Street
17. Godfrey John junr 53 Granby Street
18. Hall Walter Oxford Street
19. Hubbard Benjamin Carlton Street
20. Hurst Joseph Welford Road
21. Jordan Henry York Street Welford Road
22. Juba Edward Welford road
23. Larrad John 96 Belgrave Gate
24. Lawrence Joseph Syre 99 Belgrave Gate
25. Lenord Samuel Newark Street
26. Moore William 59 Eaton Street
27. Patrick Benjamin Welford Road
28. Peake Thomas Grosvenor Street
29. Pendleton Paul Wharf Street
30. Pickard Henry Burgess Street
31. Richardson Thomas Northgate Street
32. Rider John High Cross Street
33. Shipman Richard Denman Street
34. Smith Benjamin 105 Wharf Street
35. Smith John Oadby(near Leicester)
36. Smith Randall Bond Street (East)
37. Spencer Ann High Street
38. Taylor William Belgrave Gate
39. Wardle James 123 Wharf Street
40. Wright Samuel Friar Lane
Leicester 1853
01. Charlesworth Edward Northgate Street
02. Clark William Jewry Wall Street
03. Connor Thomas Abbey Street
04. Dallison Charles Belgrave Road
05. Fancoate William Sanvey Gate (Sanvy Gate)
06. Forknall John Elbow In
07. Frizzle Thomas Braunstone Gate
08. Gamble John 44 York Street
09. Gammidge Henry Wharf Street
10. Godfrey John Sanvey Gate (Sanvy Gate)
11. Hill James South Bond Street
12. Hubbard Benjamin 47 Oxford Street
13. Hurst Joseph Welford Road
14. Jeacock Thomas 20 Bridge St. - Russell Square
15. Jeacock William Eldon Street
16. Jordan Henry York Street & Welford Road
17. Juba Edward Welford Road
18. Lawrence Joseph Belgrave Gate
19. Pendleton Paul 146 Wharf Street
20. Pickard Henry Burgess Street
21. Richardson Thomas Northgate Street
22. Smith Benjamin 128 Wharf Street
23. Smith John Wright (Exhibition Medal) Fleet Street
24. Spencer Ann High Street
25. Vernon John 17 Wilton Street (Willow St.)
26. Vernon James Belgrave Gate
Leicester 1855
01. Allicock Joseph 92 Oxford Street
02. Battisson Thomas Wheat Street
03. Bevens Samuel Wharf Street
04. Charlesworth Edward Northgate Street
05. Clark William Jewry Wall Street
06. Fancoate William Sanvey Gate
07. Frizzle Thomas Braunstone Gate
08. Gammage Henry Wharf Street
09. Godfrey John junior Sanvey Gate
10. Godfrey John senior Bedford Street
11. Hill James South Bond Street
12. Jeacock Thomas Bridge Street Russell Square
13. Jeacock William Wharf Street
14. Jordon Henry York Street
15. Juba Edward 58 Welford Road
16. Lawrence Joseph Siah 99 Belgrave Gate
17. Moore William Eaton Street
18. Peake Thomas Grosvenor Street
19. Pendleton Paul Wharf Street
20. Richardson Thomas Northgate Street
21. Shipman Richard Carley Street
22. Smith Benjamin Wharf Street
23. Smith John Wright Fleet Street
24. Taylor William George Street
25. Turner Thomas Kenyon Street
26. Vernon John Wilton Street
27. Wright Samuel 70 Friar Lane
Leicester 1861
01. Bevans Samuel 15 Welford Road
02. Dallison Charles 7 Navigation Street
03. Ellicock Joseph 92 Oxford street
04. Gamble John 44 York Street
05. Gammage Henry 133 Wharf Street
06. Godfrey John 119 Bedford Street
07. Hubbard Benjamin 47 Oxford Street
08. Jeacock Thomas 20 Bridge Street
09. Jeacock William 18 Wharf Street
10. Jeacock William 64 Up. Charles Street
11. Juba Edward 60 Wheat Street
12. Moore William 58 Eaton Street
13. Newman Edward 36 High Street
14. Peake Thomas Grosvenor Street
15. Pendleton Paul 146 Wharf Street
16. Richardson Thomas 160 High Cross Street
17. Shipman Richard 2 Orchard Street
18. Smith Benjamin 128 Wharf Street
19. Smith John Wright patent self-acting needles 57 High Cross Street
20. Smith Randall 74 Mansfield Street
21. Smith William 48 Fleet Street
22. Taylor William * 1 George Street
23. Turner Henry 30 Wharf Street
24. Vernon John 17 Wilton Street (Willow St.)
25. Wright Samuel 70 Friar Lane
* see Leicester 1846/06
Leicester 1862
01. Bevans Samuel 15 Welford Road
02. Dallison Charles 7 Navigation Street
03. Ellicock Joseph 92 Oxford Street
04. Gamble John 44 York Street
05. Godfrey John 119 Bedford Street
06. Hubbard Benjamin 26 Asylum Street
07. Jeacock Sarah 20 Bridge Street
08. Jeacock William 18 Wharf Street
09. Juba Edward 60 Wheat Street
10. More William 58 Eaton Street
11. Newman Edward Yard 36 High Street
12. Peake Thomas Grosvenor Street
13. Pendleton Paul 146 Wharf Street
14. Richardson Thomas 32 Cumberland Street
15. Shipman Richard 2 Orchard Street
16. Smith Benjamin Wharf Street
17. Smith John Wright 57 High Cross Street
18. Smith Randall 74 Mansfield Street
19. Taylor William 1 George Street
20. Turner Henry 30 Wharf Street
21. Vernon John 17 Wilton Street
22. Wright Samuel 70 Friar Lane
Leicester 1863
01. Bevans Samuel 15 Welford Road
02. Charlesworth Edward 67 Northgate Street
03. Dallison Charles 7 Navigation Street
04. Ellicock Joseph 92 Oxford Street
05. Gammage Henry 133 Wharf Street
06. Godfrey John 119 Bedford Street
07. Grudgings Oliver 15 Harcourt Street
08. Hubbard Benjamin 26 Asylum Street
09. Jeacock Sarah 20 Bridge Street
10. Jeacock William 18 Wharf Street
11. Juba Edward 60 Wheat street
12. Moore William 58 Eaton street
13. Patrick Thomas 102 Oxford Street
14. Peake Thomas 38 Grosvenor Street
15. Richardson Thomas 32 Cumberland Street
16. Rivers Morris 48 Southampton Street
17. Shipman Richard 2 Orchard Street
18. Smith Benjamin 128 Wharf Street
19. Smith Randal 74 Mansfield Street
20. Smith John William 57 Highcross et
21. Taylor William 1 George street
22. Turner Henry 30 Wharf street
23. Vemon John 17 Wilton Street
24. Wright Samuel 70 Friar Lane
Leicester 1867
01. Bevans Samuel 15 Welford Road
02. Canner T. 10 Harcourt Street
03. Dallison Charles 8 Navigation Street
04. Gammage H. Willow Bridge Street
05. Godfrey John 3 Upper George Street
06. Grudgings 0liver 146 Wharf Street
07. Juba Edward 60 Wheat Street
08. Smith Benjamin 18 Crafton Street
09. Smith Randall 74 Mansfield Street
10. Turner Henry 30 Wharf Street
11. Vernon John 17 Willow Street
12. Wright Samuel 70 Friar Lane
Leicester 1870
01. Battisson George 29 St. Nicholas Street
Battisson George home 44 A Friars causeway
02. Bevans Samuel 15 Welford Road
03. Bevans Samuel junior 23 Albion Street
04. Canner Thomas 10 Harcourt Street
05. Dallison Charles 18 Navigation Street
06. ElIicock Jph. 92 Oxford Street
07. Gammage Henry 20 Willow Bridge Street
08. Godfrey John 3 Upper George Street
09. Grudgings Oliver 146 Wharf Street
10. Juba Edward 60 Wheat Street
11. Patrick Thomas 102 Oxford Street
12. Richardson Thomas 32 Cumberland Street
13. Smith Benjamin 18 Crafton Street
14. Smith John Wright 57 Highcross Street
Smith John Wright home Blaby
15. Turner Henry 30 Wharf Street
16. Vernon John 17 Wilton Street
Leicester 1875
01. Battison George 29 St. Nicholas' Street
02. Bevans Samuel 15 Welford Road
03. Bevans Samuel junior 30 Crafton Street
04. Canner Thomas 10 Harcourt Street
05. Dallison Charles 18 Navigation Street
06. Gammage Henry 20 Willow Bridge Street
07. Godfrey John 3 Upper George Street
08. Grudgings 0liver 146 Wharf Street
09. Moore William 58 Eaton Street
10. Richardson Thomas 32 Cumberland Street
11. Smith Benjamin 18 Crafton Street
12. Smith John Wright Belgrave Gate
Leicester 1876
01. Battison George 29 St. Nicholas Street
02. Bevans Samuel 15 Welford Road
03. Bevans Samuel junior 7 1/2 Crafton Street
Bevans Samuel junior house 21 Crafton Street
04. Canner Thomas 10 Harcourt Street
05. Dallison Charles 18 Navigation Street
06. Gammage & Jeacock 114 Willow Street
Jeacock Thomas see Gammage & Jeacock
07. Godfrey John 3 Upper George Street (Bedford Street)
08. Grudgings Oliver 39 Fleet Street
09. Patrick Thomas 102 Oxford Street
10. Richardson Thomas 32 Cumberland Street
11. Smith Benjamin 18 Crafton Street
12. Smith John Wright 119 1/2 Belgrave Gate
13. Vernon James 32 Cank Street
14. Vernon John 17 Wilton Street Belgrave Gate
Leicester 1877
01. Barrows Hiram junior Davis Street (Charnwood Street)
02. Battison George 29 St. Nicholas Street
Battison George home 44 A Friars Causeway (Sycamore Lane)
03. Bentley Samuel junior 22 Brunswick Street
04. Bevans Samuel 15 Welford Road
05. Bevans Samuel junior 7 1/2 Crafton Street
Bevans Samuel junior house 21 Crafton Street
06. Canner Thomas 10 Harcourt Street
07. Dallison Charles 18 Navigation Street
08. Gammage & Jeacock 114-B Willow Street
Gammage Henry house 114 Willow Street
Jeacock Thomas of Gammage & Jeacock
09. Godfrey John 3 Upper George Street
10. Grudgings Oliver 39 Fleet Street
11. Moore William 58 Heaton Street
12. Patrick Thomas 102 Oxford Street
13. Patrick William junior 48 Clarendon Street
14. Richardson Thomas 32 Cumberland Street
15. Smith John Wright 119 1/2(121) Belgrave Gate
16. Smith Timothy 40 Syston Street
17. Vernon James 32 Cank Street
18. Vemon John 17 Wilton Street
Leicester 1878
01. Battison George 29 St. Nicholas Street
02. Bevans Samuel 15 Welford Road
03. Bevans Samuel junior 41 Junction Road
04. Canner Thomas 10 Harcourt Street
05. Dallison Charles 18 Navigation Street
06. Gammage & Jeacock 114 Willow Street
07. Godfrey John 3 Upper George Street
08. Grudgings Oliver 39 Fleet Street
09. Jeacock William Sidney Street Belgrave Road
10. Patrick Thomas 102 Oxford Street
11. Richardson Thomas 34 Cumberland Street
12. Smith Benjamin 18 Crafton Street
13. Smith John Wright 119 Belgrave Gate
14. Smith Timothy 40 Syston Street
15. Vemon John 17 Wilton Street
Leicester 1880
01. Battison George 29 St. Nicholas Street (Highcross St)
Battison George home 44 A Friars' causeway (Highcross St)
02. Bevans Samuel 45 Melton Street
03. Bevans Samuel 15 Welford Road
04. Bevans Samuel junr 41 Junction Road
05. Canner Thomas 10 Harcourt Street
06. Dallison Charles 18 Navigation Street
07. Godfrey John 3 Upper George Street
08. Grudgings Oliver 39 Fleet Street
09. Jeacock & Gammage 112 1/2 Willow Street
10. Jeacock & Gammage 114 Willow Street
Gammage Henry 112 1/2 - 114 Willow Street
Jeacock John Grice 112 1/2 - 114 Willow Street
11. Jeacock Thomas William of Jeacock & Gammage 95 Willow Street
12. Jeacock William Sidney Street Belgrave Road
13. Naylor Walter 153 Dorset Street
14. Patrick Thomas 102 Oxford Street
15. Richardson Thomas 32 or 34 Cumberland Street
16. Smith Benjamin 18 Crafton Street
17. Smith John Wright 119 1/2 Belgrave Gate
Smith John Wright home Chapel Cottage Blaby
18. Smith Timothy 40 Syston Street (Willow Bridge Street)
Leicester 1884
01. Battison George 29 St. Nicholas Street (Highcross Street)
Battison George house
44 A Friars' causeway
02. Bevans Samuel & Sons (William and Charles) 19 Welford Road (York Street)
03. Bevans Samuel junior 193 Belgrave Gate
04. Canner Thomas 10 Harcourt Street (Luke Street)
05. Dallison Charles 18 Navigation Street
06. Gammage & Jeacock * 116 1/2 Willow Street (Little Brunswick Street)
Gammage & Jeacock 114 Willow Street
Jeacock Thomas William of Gammage & Jeacock house 97 Willow Street
07. Godfrey John 3 Upper George Street
08. Green John & William (late Smith J. W. ) 119 1/2 Belgrave Gate
Green John & William 121 and 287 Belgrave Gate
09. Grudgings Oliver 39 Fleet Street (Bedford Street)
10. Naylor Walter Leire Street Belgrave
11. Patrick Thomas 91 Oxford Street
12. Patrick William 6 Wood Hill (Nursling Street)
13. Raven & Bentley 58 1/2 Gladstone Street
Raven & Bentley 60 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
Bentley Samuel of Raven & Bentley house 149 Curzon Street
14. Smith Arthur of Davis, Simpson & Co. 18 Crafton Street
Smith Arthur house 10 St. James Road (Evington Road)
Smith Benjamin 18 Crafton Street
15. Smith Timothy 40 Syston Street (Willow Bridge Street)
Leicester 1887-8
01. Battisson Sarah Friars causeway
02. Battisson George 29 St. Nicholas Street
03. Bevans Charles 36 Southgate Street (house)?
04. Bevans Charles 34 1/2 Southgate Street
Bevans Charles 32 Southgate Street house
05. Bevans Samuel & Sons 193 Belgrave Gate
Bevans Samuel 193 Belgrave Gate
06. Bevans S. & Sons (Wm) 19 Welford Road
07. Canner Thomas 10 Harcourt Street
08. Gammage & Jeacock 112 1/2 Willow Street
09. Godfrey John 3 (Upper) George Street
10. Green John & William 18 Metcalf Street
11. Griswold Henry Josiah Richmond house 3 Station Street
12. Grudgings Oliver 39 Fleet Street
Jeacock Thomas William of Gammage & Jeacock house 97 Willow Street
13. Patrick Thomas 91 Oxford Street
14. Patrick William 6 Wood Hill
15. Raven John & Bentley Samuel 58 1/2 Gladstone Street
Bentley Samuel of Raven J. & Bentley S. house 65 Stanley Street
16. Smith Timothy Belgrave Gate
Smith Timothy 14 1/2 Gladstone Street
17. Smith Benjamin 18 Crafton Street
18. Smith Arthur of Davis, Simpson & Co. 18 Crafton Street
Smith Arthur Northcote house 18 Clarendon Park Road
(Davis Rbn. of Davis, Simpson & Co. 34 Tower Street) ?
(James Simpson of Davis, Simpson & Co. Cross over Lilian villas - Saffron Lane)
Leicester 1890
01. Battisson Mrs. Sarah 29 St. Nicholas Street- Highcross Street
Battisson Mrs. Sarah house Friars causeway - 48A Jewry Wall Street
02. Bentley Samuel 48 Kent Street - Humberstone Road
03. Bevans Charles 92 Highcross Street - Friars' causeway
04. Bevans Samuel Griffin Yard - Bedford Street
05. Bevans Samuel & Son (Wm) 19 Welford Road - York Street
06. Canner Thomas 16 1/2 Crafton Street
Canner Thomas house 10 Harcourt Street - Luke Street
07. Gammage & Jeacock 112 1/2 Willow Street
Jeacock Thomas Williarn of Gammage & Jeacock house 97 Willow Street
08. Godfrey John 3 Upper George Street - Bedford Street
09. Green John & W. 16 Metcalf Street - Lead Street
Green John of J. & W. Green h. Forest View Loughborough Rd, Belgrave
10. Griswold Hy. Josiah Richmond hse 3 Station Street
11. Grudgings Oliver 39 Fleet Street - Bedford Street
Grudgings Oliver Birstall Street - 66 Willow Bridge Street
12. Merry Thomas 11 1/2 Crafton Street (Wharf Street)
Merry Thomas house 103 Gladstone Street - Clyde Street
13. Patrick Thomas 91 Oxford Street - Bonner's Lane Court C
14. Patrick William Dryden Street - Percy Street
Patrick William house 6 Wood Hill (Nursling Street)
15. Raven John Henry 58 1/2 Gladstone Street
Raven John Henry 60 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
Raven John Henry house Melbourne Road
16. Smith Timothy 14 1/2 Gladstone Street Brougham Street
Smith Timothy house Orton Road Abbey Lane
Leicester 1891
01. Battison Mrs. Sarah 29 St. Nicholas Street (Highcross Street)
02. Bevans Charles 92 Highcross Street (Friars' causeway)
03. Bevans Samuel & Sons 19 Welford Road (York Street)
04. Canner Thomas house 10 Harcourt Street (Luke Street)
05. Gammage & Jeacock 114 Willow Street
Jeacock Thomas Williarn of Gammage & Jeacock
06. Godfrey John 3 Upper George Street (Bedford Street)
07. Green John & William 16 1/2 Metcalf Street (Lead Street)
08. Grudgings Oliver 39 Fleet Street (Bedford Street)
09. Hetherington & Anderson 89 Humberstone Gate - factory, Nottingham
hosiery machine builders, knitting machine manufacturers, needle makers & sewing machine manufacturers, 17 John Street,
Glasgow & Whitehall's
10. Newbold & Eagle Halstead Street
Eagle George see Newbold & Eagle
11. Patrick Thomas 91 Oxford Street (Bonner's Lane Court C)
12. Raven John Henry 58 1/2 Gladstone Street (Clyde St.)
13. Smith John 11 Moore's Road (Belgrave)
14. Smith Timothy 14 1/2 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
Leicester 1892
01. Battisson Mrs. Sarah 29 St. Nicholas Street- Highcross Street
Battisson Mrs. Sarah house Friars causeway - 48A Jewry Wall Street
02. Bevans Charles 92 Highcross Street (Friars' causeway)
03. Bevans Samuel & Sons 19 Welford Road (York Street)
04. Canner Thomas house 10 Harcourt Street - Luke Street
05. Gammage & Jeacock
112 1/2 Willow Street
06. Godfrey John 3 Upper George Street (Bedford Street)
07. Green John & William 16 1/2 Metcalf Street (Lead Street)
08. Grudgings Oliver 39 Fleet Street - Bedford Street
Grudgings Oliver 66 Willow Bridge Street (Birstall Street)
09. Merry Thomas 11 1/2 Crafton Street (Wharf Street)
Merry Thomas house 103 Gladstone Street - Clyde Street
10. Newbold & Eagle
Halstead Street
George of Newbold & Eagle 13 Constitution Hill (house)
11. Patrick Thomas 91 Oxford Street (Bonner's Lane Court C)
12. Patrick William Percy Street-Fennel Street Dryden Street
Patrick William house 6 Wood Hill (Grove Road)
13. Raven John Henry 58 1/2 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
14. Smith Timothy 14 1/2 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
Smith Timothy Abbey Lane (Orton Road)
Leicester 1895
01. Bevans Charles 92 Highcross Street
02. Bevans Samuel senior & Sons 19 Welford Road
03. Canner Thomas 10 Harcourt Street
04. Collin & Patrick 72a Gladstone Street
Patrick William see Collin & Patrick
05. Ferriman John & Co. 29 St. Nicholas Street
06. Godfrey John 3 Upper George Street
07. Green John & William 16 1/2 Metcalf Street
08. Grudgings Oliver senior 39 Fleet Street
09. Grudgings Oliver junior 18 Carley Street
10. Jeacock Thomas William 114 Willow Street (Curzon Street)
11. Newbold & Eagle Halstead Street
Eagle George
12. Patrick Thomas 91 Oxford Street
13. Raven John Henry 56 Erskine Street
14. Smith Timothy 26 Gladstone Street
Leicester 1899
01. Bevans Charles 92 Highcross Street (Friars' causeway)
02. Bevans Samuel & Sons 19 Welford Road (York Road)
Bevans William of Bevans Samuel & Sons 19 Welford Road (York Road)
03. Canner Thomas house 10 Harcourt Street (Luke Street)
04. Collin & Patrick William 72 1/2 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
Patrick William of Collins & Patrick house 6 Wood Hill
05. Ferriman John & Co. 56 Erskine Street (Brougham Street)
06. Gammage & Jeacock 112 1/2 Willow Street (Curzon Street)
Jeacock Thomas William of Gammage & Jeacock 114 Willow St. (Curzon St.)
07. Godfrey John 3 Upper George Street (Bedford Street)
08. Green John & William 16 1/2 Metcalf Street (Lead Street)
09. Grudgings Oliver 39 Fleet Street (Bedford Street)
10. Newbold Thomas 24 1/2 Halstead Street (Granby avenue)
Beachville, Newbold Thomas house 55 Mere Road (Wood Hill)
11. Patrick Thomas 91 Oxford Street (Bonner's Lane Court C)
12. Smith Timothy 26 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
Leicester 1903
01. Bentley Samuel 68 Erskine Street
02. Berridge I. L. & Co. Fox Lane factory 18 Belgrave Gate
knitting & hosiery machine manufacturers; knitting machine needles
office: Fox Lane, 43 Humberstone Gate
03. Bevans Charles 92 Highcross Street
04. Bevans S. & Sons (trading as William) 19 Welford Road
Bevans William of Bevans S. & Sons house Welford Road
05. Bevans William of Bennett & Sons 112 Howard Road
06. Collin & Patrick 70 1/2 Gladstone Street
07. Ferriman John & Co. 56 Erskine Street
08. Gammage & Jeacock 112 1/2 Willow Street
Jeacock Thomas William 114 Willow Street
09. Green John & William 16 1/2 Metcalf Street
10. Grudgings Oliver 39 Fleet Street
11. Newbold Thomas 24 1/2 Halstead Street
Newbold Thomas 55 Mere Road
12. Smith Timothy 26 Gladstone Street
13. Wightman George Crofts 6 Stanley Street (Arnold Street)
Leicester 1906
01. Bentley Samuel 68 Erskine Street (Brougham Street)
02. Berridge I. L. & Co. Fox Lane factory, 18 Belgrave Gate
knitting & hosiery machine manufacturers; knitting machine needles
office: Fox Lane, 43 Humberstone Gate
03. Bevans Charles 92 Highcross Street (Friars' causeway)
04. Bevans, Sons & Co. 19 Welford Road (York Road)
Pickard William of Bevans, Sons & Co. 29 Barclay St. (Narborough Rd) h.
05. Ferriman John & Co. 56 Erskine Street (Brougham Street)
06. Gammage & Jeacock 198 Willow Street (Brierley Street)
Jeacock Thomas William of Gammage & Jeacock 198 Willow Street
07. Green John & W. 16 1/2 Metcalf Street (Lead Street)
08. Grudgings Oliver 39 Fleet Street (Bedford Street)
09. Newbold Thomas 24 1/2 Halstead Street (Granby avenue)
Newbold Thomas house 55 Mere Road (Wood Hill)
10. Patrick William 70 1/2 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
11. Smith Timothy 26 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
Leicester 1908
01. Bentley Samuel 68 Erskine Street (Brougham Street)
02. Berridge I. L. & Co. Fox Lane factory 18 Belgrave Gate
knitting & hosiery machine manufacturers; knitting machine needles
office: Fox Lane, 43 Humberstone Gate
03. Bevans Charles 92 Highcross Street (Friars' causeway)
04. Bevans, Sons & Co. 19 Welford Road (York Road)
Pickard William of Bevans, Sons & Co.
05. Ferriman John & Co. 56 Erskine Street (Brougham Street)
06. Gammage & Jeacock 198 Willow Street (Brierley Street)
Jeacock Thomas William of Gammage & Jeacock
07. Green John & W. 16 1/2 Metcalf Street (Lead Street)
08. Newbold Thomas 24 1/2 Halstead Street (Granby avenue)
Newbold Thomas house Cropstone, via Loughborough
09. Patrick William 70 1/2 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
10. Smith Timothy & Son 26 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
Leicester 1909
01. Bentley Samuel 68 Erskine Street (Brougham Street)
02. Berridge I. L. & Co. Fox Lane factory 18 Belgrave Gate
knitting & hosiery machine manufacturers; knitting machine needles
office: Fox Lane, 43 Humberstone Gate
03. Bevans, Sons & Co. 19 Welford Road (York Road)
Pickard William of Bevans, Sons & Co.
04. Ferriman John 56 Erskine Street (Brougham Street)
05. Gammage & Jeacock 198 Willow Street (Brierley Street)
Jeacock Thomas William of Gammage & Jeacock
06. Green John & W. 16 1/2 Metcalf Street (Lead Street)
07. Newbold Thomas 24 1/2 Halstead Street (Granby avenue)
Newbold Thomas house Cropstone, via Loughborough
08. Patrick Thomas William 70 1/2 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
09. Smith Timothy & Son 26 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
10. Thacker Jas. Arth. (j) 57 Haddenham Road
Leicester 1911
01. Bentley Samuel 68 Erskine Street (Brougham Street)
02. Berridge I. L. & Co. Fox Lane factory 18 Belgrave Gate
knitting & hosiery machine manufacturers; knitting machine needles
office: Fox Lane, 43 Humberstone Gate
03. Bevans Charles 92 Highcross Street (Friars' causeway)
04. Bevans, Sons & Co. 19 Welford Road (York Road)
Pickard William of Bevans, Sons & Co.
05. Ferriman John 56 Erskine Street (Brougham Street)
06. Gammage & Jeacock 198 Willow Street (Brierley Street)
Jeacock Thomas William of Gammage & Jeacock h. 198 Willow Street
07. Green John & W. 16 1/2 Metcalf Street (Lead Street)
08. Green John of Green John & W. house 63 Loughborough Road, Belgrave
09. Hinchliffe William 33 Beaumont Road
10. Newbold Thomas 24 1/2 Halstead Street (Granby avenue)
Newbold Thomas house Cropstone, via Loughborough
11. Patrick Thomas William 70 1/2 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
Patrick Thomas William house 18 Haddon Street (Buxton Street)
12. Smith Timothy & Son 26 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
Smith John Henry of Smith Timothy & Son house 4 Clyde Street
Leicester 1914
01. Berridge I. L. & Co. Fox Lane factory 18 Belgrave Gate
knitting & hosiery machine manufacturers; knitting machine needles
office: Fox Lane, 43 Humberstone Gate
02. Bevans Charles 92 Highcross Street (Friars' causeway)
03. Bevans, Sons & Co. 19 Welford Road (York Road)
Pickard William (Bevans, Sons & Co.) house 15
Church Avenue
04. Ferriman John 56 Erskine Street (Brougham Street)
05. Gammage & Jeacock 198 Willow Street (Brierley Street)
Jeacock Thos Wm of Gammage & Jeacock 101 Melbourne Rd (Buxton St.)
06. Green John & W. 16 1/2 Metcalf Street (Lead Street)
Green John of Green John & W. house 63 Loughborough Road, Belgrave
07. Hinchliffe William (33) 55 Beaumont Road
08. Newbold Thomas 24 1/2 Halstead Street (Granby avenue)
Newbold Thomas Cropston, via Loughborough (house)
09. Patrick Thomas William 70 1/2 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
Patrick Thomas William 10 Kent Street Upper (Garendon Street)
10. Smith Timothy & Son 26 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
Smith John Henry of Smith T. & Son house 4 Clyde Street
Leicester 1916
01. Bentley Samuel 68 Erskine Street (Brougham Street)
02. Berridge I. L. & Co. Fox Lane factory, 18 Belgrave Gate
knitting & hosiery machine manufacturers; knitting machine needles
office: Fox Lane, Humberstone Gate.
03. Bevans Charles 92 Highcross Street (Friars causeway)
04. Bevans, Sons & Co. 19 Welford Road (York Road)
Pickard William (Bevans Sons & Co. )
05. Ferriman John 56 Erskine Street (Brougham Street)
06. Gammage & Jeacock 198 Willow Street
Jeacock Thomas William of Gammage & Jeacock house 198 Willow Street
07. Green John & W. 16 1/2 Metcalf Street
Green John 63 Loughborough Road (B) house
08. Hinchliffe William 33 Beaumont Road
09. Newbold Thomas 24 1/2 Halstead Street (Granby avenue)
Newbold Thomas Cropston, via Loughborough (house)
10. Patrick Thomas William 70 1/2 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
Patrick Thomas William 18 Haddon Street (Buxton Street) house
11. Smith T. & Son 26 Gladstone Street (Brougham Street)
Smith John Henry
(Smith T. & Son) 4 Clyde Street house
by James Pigot (1818)
Leicester the largest, best built, and most populous town in the county, and said to have been erected 850 years before the Christian era, by king Leir. Though much credit cannot be given to accounts of such a distant period, nevertheless, Leir has the reputation of having built the great temple of Janus, which formerly stood near the banks of the river Leir, now Soar. That Leicester was built long before the time of the Romans no writer has disputed; and the variation of its name proves that it has passed through a long succession of time; its first name being Caer Leon or Lerion, afterwards Lege Cestria, Leogora, Legeocester, in the Saxon annals Legerceaster, and, with some other little variations, now Leicester. There is no doubt but it was a considerable station in the time of the Romans, from the number of antiquities of that nation which have been found in it. And during the Saxon heptarchy, it was also a place of consequence, being in the centre of the kingdom of Mercia. It is said that Penda, king of the Mercians, about the year 653, wishing to bring about a marriage with the daughter of Oswy, king of Northumberland, caused his son to be crowned king of Leicester before he went to Oswy's court, and, during his reign, about the year 737, he settled a bishop's see here. It is said that the kingdom of Mercia had at this time three episcopal sees, Litchfield, Dorcester, and Leicester. This town seems often to have been the seat of contention, and its castle often times battered down and rebuilt, but scarcely.any thing remains of it now, but an artificial mound or earth-work of the keep. There was formerly an abbey which possessed numerous privileges, and was possessed of land in thirty-six parishes in and about Leicester, and in most of the manors of this and other counties; but its buildings are nearly levelled with the earth which covers the ashes of its ancient inhabitants. There was also formerly a mintage here, as is proved by a series of coins that have been collected from the reign of the Saxon king Ethelstan down to Henry II. And during the time of the Lancasterian princes parliaments were frequently held here. At the time of the Norman conquest there appears to have been six churches in the town, at present there are only five, viz. St. Nicholas's, St. Mary's, All Saints, St. Martin's, and St. Margaret's. Besides these churches, there are chapels for different sects of dissenters, Presbyterians, Independents, and Baptists. The county goal, erected in the year 1791, is on the plan recommended by Mr. Howard, with solitary cells, &c. The town goal is a commodious stone building. The other public buildings are a free grammar school; several charity schools; various hospitals; an asylum for indigent lunatics; an exchange for public business; the hotel, now used as assembly rooms; and a commodions theatre. The town is governed by a mayor, recorder, steward, bailiffs, twenty-four aldermen, forty-eight common council men, and a town clerk. It sends two members to parliament; and its freemen are toll-free of all the markets and fairs in England. The principal article of manufacture is that of stockings, which has been a staple commodity here for above two centuries, and finds employment for a number of persons in different branches connected with the trade. The trade is at present flourishing, and in the “Walk through Leicester,” it is stated “that 15,000 dozen per week” of stockings are made on an average. Leicester is 98 miles distant from London; and contains about 30.000 inhabitants. The market is held on Saturday. The old fairs (on a large scale) are held March 2, Palm Saturday, Saturday in Easter week, May 12, July 5, October 10, and December 8.-New fairs, January 4, June 1, August 1, September 18, and November 2.