307.    Wheeler & Wilson, Boston, by J. R. Root, Agent, Boston.

Two Sewing Machines. This may be termed a Rotary Shuttle Machine. It performs most perfect work with great rapidity. We consider it best, if not exclusively, adapted to the sewing of cloth, and from its compactness and simplicity well suited for domestic uses. It has been extensively used and has received successive improvements suggested by long experience and it appears very perfect in all its parts. It has never been on exhibition here before and your Committee deem it deserving of a:

Silver Medal

548. Otis Whitney, Boston.

One Sewing Machine. This is a Shuttle machine and its chief merit consists in its simplicity. It is so constructed as not to be liable to derangement and it would seem that a child might safely work it. The machine on exhibition is best adapted to stout work.

Silver Medal

566. Emery, Houghton & Co.

Small Family Sewing Machine. Large Single Thread Sewing Machine. One Small Steam Engine with Oscillating  Cylinder. These Sewing Machines, with the small Steam Engine used in driving them, are all of beautiful workmanship and deserve high praise. The Sewing Machines work a single thread and do their work with great rapidity. They are adapted to sewing, hemming and most kinds of domestic work and they perform their work well.

Silver Medal 

664. Nichols, Leavitt & Co., Boston.

Sewing Machines. These use a waxed thread and have a very ingenious arrangement whereby they wax their own thread. These are the same class of machines that were exhibited at the last Fair, by Nichols and Bliss, but are very much improved. They have connected a very ingenious attachment for binding Shoes and Boots with leather binding. They have attached a spring or finger, which holds the thread in the shuttle, at a certain point, so as to enable them to draw a tight stitch, which so imbeds the thread that it is not so liable to wear off. These machines work very rapidly.

Silver Medal

709. A. B. Howe, New York.

Sewing Machine. This is the pioneer in the sewing department. A very fine machine, works very rapidly and with a very small needle, causing the thread to fill the hole, which makes the stitch tight.

Silver Medal

710. Hunt & Webster, Boston.

Sewing Machine. This machine was on exhibition in 1853 and is a two-thread machine. It was well spoken of and received a silver medal. It has since been improved in its arrangements, particularly in the feed motion. It is now one of the most simple and we should judge durable machines before the public. It is now adapted to a great variety of work. For its improvements, beautiful execution and perfect operation, the Committee award a:

Silver Medal

717. Howard & Davis, Boston.

Eyelet Sewing Machine. Hand Sewing Machine. This sewing machine was entered at last Exhibition and received for its range of adaptability and rapid and perfect work, a Gold Medal. Since that time it has been materially improved in its details and  by an ingenious appendage has been made capable of working eyelet boles with astonishing celerity and perfection.

Silver Medal

For the invention of the eyelet attachment we also award a:

Silver Medal



819. Edwin A. Forbush, Lawrence, Mass.

One Power Sewing Machine. This sewing machine was presented at the last Exhibition ( 1853 BOSTON VII Exhibition ) and received a Gold Medal, as an ingenious and original machine. Since that time it has been greatly simplified in its parts and its action. Several valuable improvements have been introduced and the machine now performs with great certainty and exactness and the Committee consider its practical value as now established. It performs the precise cordwainer's double-thread stitch as firmly and accurately as the first rate workmen. For the value of the improvements introduced the Committee award a:

Silver Medal


US 12.402                             Edwin A. Forbush

Improvements in Machinery for Sewing Cloth, Leather or other Material

February 20, 1855



819. Lawrence Machine Shop, Lawrence, Mass.

A Portable Steam Engine. This was an effective and compact engine and was used to operate “Forbush’s Power Sewing Machine”, during the Exhibition.


923. Elmer Townsend, Boston.

Wax Thread Sewing Machine. This machine is for a single waxed thread and is used for closing and stitching leather and is a very effective machine, performing its work with great accuracy and despatch. The machine on exhibition is fitted for heavy work, but the principle is valuable for all kinds of leather work.

Silver Medal




25. A. Bayley & Co., Amesbury, Mass.

An Improved Pegging and Sewing Jack. A good and useful article.



83. George Fetter, Philadelphia.

A Boot Crimping Machine. Very good machine, particularly for fine work.



89. J. W. Wilder, Boston.

Sole Cutting Machine. Worthy of notice.


110. William Bray, Salem.

One Sole Machine.


144. W. W. Wilmott, Boston.

Boot Crimping Machine. A good machine.


177. J. C. Hobbs.

Splitting Knife for Leather. A very good article.


240. E. Pratt, Salem.

New Improved Leather Splitter.


676. Moses Hunt & Co., Boston.

Improved Leather Splitter. A good article; has received award at previous Exhibition.


701. American Pegging Machine Company.

One Pegging Machine. A very ingenious machine, worthy of the attention of manufacturers.

Silver Medal


784. Otis & Hadley, Lynn.

Sole-cutting machine. Superior machine.

Bronze Medal


881. Neal & French, Lynn.

Sole-cutting Machine. Worthy of notice.



874. Luther Hill, Stoneham.

Counter Skiver for Boots and Shoes. A very useful and excellent machine.

Bronze Medal


1041. Boss & Pearce, Boston.

Two Cases Silk, Cotton and Linen Thread, containing several hundred varieties, especially adapted to sewing machines. The samples are highly creditable to the contributers and the increasing demand for these kinds of threads, makes them worthy of special consideration. These specimens show conclusively that thread can be manufactured in this country, equal, if not superior, in quality and style, to any of foreign manufacture and its production should be encouraged.

Silver Medal





The Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association

at Faneuil and Quincy Halls,

in the City of Boston,


September, 1856