50 types of sewing machine were on show on over 20 stands
1560 Bradbury & Co.
Rhodes Bank Foundry, Oldham.
Manufacturing and domestic serving machines and binding guides.
1566 William Carver
Dude Bridge Mill and 5 Todd Street, Manchester.
1583 Deane & Davies
19 Blackfriars Street, Manchester.
1596 Henry Ferrabee
75 High Holborn, London.
(Process Court.)
The British Sewing Machine is specially adapted for family use. It makes a stitch which is exactly alike on both sides of the fabric, and it can execute perfect sewing at the rate of 5,000 stitches per minute. Price of a machine as illustrated and exhibited £10 0
Cabinet machines at various prices.
see British Sewing Machine Company LTd.
1612 Guinness & Co.
42 Cheapside, London, E.C.
Patent shuttle sewing machine.
These machines are recommended for their simplicity, economy, and durability. Being moved by cranks from one shaft they are more easily worked, less noisy, and far less liable to be put out of order than any other machine; while they possess the additional advantage oi enabling the operator to work either backwards or forwards. Price, on tables, £10 each; in cabinets from £13, according to style and finish.
1637 William Keith
11 Three Crown Square.
Improved sewing machine.
1653 Alexander Mackenzie & Co.
"62 North Frederick Street, Glasgow" (?)
New double action cylinder sewing machine, with specimens of work.
same address of
British Sewing Machine Company Ltd.
1654 L. McKernan
98 Cheapside.
Sewing machines.
1675 Newton Wilson, & Co.
144 High Holborn, London. Sewing machines and patent carpet sweepers.
Agents to the Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Company of Boston, U.S.A.
1682 Pearson, William, & Co.
Cut-nail machine for headed nails, also various sewing machines.
1698 S. C. Salisbury
Patent knot-stitch sewing machine, simple, durable and cheap.
1700 William Service
Mitcham, Surrey.
Sewing machines with double-feed action.
1708 R. E. Simpson & Co.
Patent American single and double action shuttle sewing machines, with all the latest improvements.
1718 James Smith & Co.
Crown Court, Crown Street, Finsbury.
The “English” continuous motion shuttle sewing machine, simple, easy, durable, and cheap. This machine, which is the first and only one on this principle, was invented and patented in this country. It comprises all the latest improvements; it is simple, durable, noiseless, and rapid and its working may be easily learned. Prices, on stand complete, £8, £10, £12.
1726 W. F. Thomas & Co.
1 Cheapside and 66 Newgate Street, London.
Sewing machines and samples of work produced by them.
1733 The Victoria Sewing Machine Company
97 Cheapside. Sewing machines.
1739 Whight & Mann
Gipping Works, Ipswich
The “Excelsior” sewing machine. This is a new and improved sewing machine, making the “double loop” or “tight stitch.” It is suitable for the use of families, manufacturers, dress, and mantle-makers. The exhibitors keep in stock every requisite for working the sewing machine, such as needles, shuttles, bobbins, silks, cottons, &c. and are also prepared to supply first-class lock-stitch machines, for heavy manufacturing, at reduced prices. Price lists and prospectuses may be obtained by application at the works, or at the London depot, 122 Holborn Hill, E.C.
1741 John Whitmee & Co.
70 St. John Street, Clerkenwell, E.C.
Carley’s patent elastic-stitch sewing machines. Mills; weighing machines; Tice’s patent gas regulators.
2001 Cyrus Symons
2 George Street, Blackfriars Road, S.E.
Sewing machine, working with little noise, wear, trouble, or waste.
Class VII. Manufacturing Machines and Tools
Section A. Machinery employed in Spinning, Weaving, &c.
The report of the jury in this class has not been received. It was a very interesting class, and three of the United States exhibitors received medals in section A: the How Sewing Machine Co., Wheeler & Wilson, sewing machine, and A. Smith for his loom for weaving tufted carpets, and four honorable mentions for sewing machines, &c.
There were exhibited, in the American Court, several kinds of machines, each of which was alleged to contain some particular improvement with respect to mechanical combination and of these were:
19A Wheeler & Wilson (New York)
A prize medal was awarded.
Offices and salerooms: 139 Regent Street, London.
The Wheeler & Wilson Celebrated Lock-Stitch Sewing Machines, with crystal cloth presser, new style hemmer, hinder, corder and all other recent improvements. The lock-stitch sewing machine will gather, hem, fell, hind, or stitch with great rapidity and perfect regularity, beauty and durability; the work is stronger than when done by hand and will not ravel when cut. The machines are simple in design, combining find mechanism with elegance of model and finish; do not get out of repair and are suitable alike for household purposes and the manufacturer’s work room. The speed is from 1.000 to 2.000 stitches per minute and they are so simple and easy of management, that a child may work them.
20 I. M. Singer
New York and 72, Regent Street, London
For his collection of well-constructed sewing machines, received honourable mention.
New York City.
Sewing machine. For improvements in sewing machines, also received honourable mention.
21 A Amasa Howe
Representing an incorporated company, of New York, received a medal for their well arranged collection of machines.
22 L. A. Bigelow, of Boston.
Representing Charles R. Goodwin, received honourable mention for a machine, constructed for sewing boots, shoes and other kinds of leather work.
23 Wrigat, H. & Co.
55 Friday Street, London, E.C.
Tape braiding and tape sewing machine.
South-West Transept.
26 J. C. Becker
Sewing machine.
30 H. v. Königslöw
Sewing machine.
370 D. A. Löhdefink
Sewing machine for solid and light work 100 Th. (15 £.).
London 1862 honor, mention.
517 J. Schröder (Darmstadt)
Manufacturer of sewing machines
Agents. Jos. Myers & Co., 144 Leadenhall Street, London.
Sewing machines:
1. A. 220 fl. (16 £ 9 sh.)
2. B. 150 fl. (12 £ 13 sh.)
3. B. 166 fl. (14 £): with table 190 fl. (16 £)
4. C. 157 fl. (18 £ 5 sh.);
5. D. 36 fl. (3 £)
6. D. 41 fl. (3 £ 10 sh.)
7. E. 100 fl. (8 £. 9 sh. 8 d.).
1288 F. Boecke (Berlin)
manu. of sewing and knitting-machines.
London 1862 honor, mention.
Agents. s. No. 1267.
Sewing machines:
1 shuttle machine for heavy fabrics 90 Th.
2 do for fine fabrics 80 Th.
3 shuttle machine for shoe-makers (system Thomas) 90 Th.
4 tambour work machine with one thread 45 Th.
5 machine of Wheeler&Wilson for shirts 80 Th.
6 do. 60 Th.
7 do. for heavy fabrics (cloth, leather) 70 Th.
8 machine for household use 18 Th.
9 for gloves and cotton fabrics 60 Th.
10 shuttle machine, improved Groove & Baker system 75 Th.
11 cord stitch machine, Groove & Baker, 60 Th.
12 cord stitch machine 60 Th.
2117 Leo Lammertz
Needle manufacturer
Aix-la-Chapelle. London 1862 medal. Agents. s. No. 2107.
An assortment of sewing machine and other needles, containing : sewing machine needles.
2724A The Württemberg trading company
Agents: Stand No. 2724A, 2693A, 2771A, 2822, 2849.
1 sewing machine 2 £ 9 sh.
232 J.A. Kay
Sewing machine.
240 A. Leroy
Six sewing machines, on different principles.
1065 De Celles
Sewing machines, which fasten each stitch by a weaver’s knot.
1066 C. Callebaut
Sewing machines.
1067 Journaux-Leblond, J. F.
Sewing machines.