

Special attention is called to the Elias Howe Sewing Machines, contributed by Plummer & Wilder, General New England Agents, 57 & 59 Bromfield Street. The Sewing Machines are in the Gallery, Section 6. The Elias Howe Sewing Machines are celebrated for doing the best work of any machines in the market. All kinds of work can be done on these machines in a superior manner. The "Howe Stitch", commonly called the "Lockstitch", is well known to be the best made, as it cannot be ravelled. The machines are made of the best materials, simple and durable, free from noise and not liable to get out of order.


The Noiseless Sewing Machines, by Willcox & Gibbs, are in operation in Section 6. The merits of these Machines are stated in their Advertisement on page 21.


The Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine is the standard sewing machine of the world. Its simplicity, durability and adaptation to all kinds of material are a sufficient recommendation over other machines in the market. They have taken the HIGHEST PREMIUM at the principal fairs in this country and in Europe, and are considered by competent judges the VERY BEST MACHINE IN THE WORLD.

see advertisement


William Butterfield exhibits the improved Wax-Thread Sewing Machines. There are three grades of these celebrated Machines, _ A, B and C.

A is for stitching goat, kid, morocco and light calf shoe work.

B is for boot and shoe manufacturers' use, and for all purposes, especially heavy harness or boot work.

C is for siding boots, stitching counters, straps, etc. harnesses, military equipment , etc. These machines are superior to any in the market,made of the best materials, perfection construction and not liable to get out of order.

Mr. Butterfield also exhibits the New Era Pegging Machine. This is the only perfect pegging machine in the market. It is capable of pegging in the channel, and will make stronger and more durable work than can be made by hand. This wonderful machine will peg 800 pairs of shoes per day. Just think what one of these machines is capable of doing: 800 pairs per day, three hundred working days to the year, would give a total of 240,000 pairs for a year's work, more than enough to shoe all the people in Boston ! Another noticeable machine is the Patent Einyeglet- Machine, exhibited by the same firm. This machine will set any sized eyelet; it is adapted in a moment to the eyelet to be used; it is very rapid and simple,and will not get out of order. Mr. Butterfield's place of business is 26 Pearl Street,where the most perfect boot and shoe machinery, of all kinds, can be seen, comprising rolling, splitting, stripping, sole cutting, boot treeing, burnishing,and buffing machines, also cutters or dies of the best manufacture. In fact, Mr. Butterfield is the general boot and shoe machinery man of this market. In his stock can be found everything connected with boot and shoe manufacturing. Parties interested in the manufacture of boots and shoes should not fail to see the machines in working order. They are in Section 7, on the left,where they will be shown with pleasure.


In Section 6, rotunda, can be seen very fine specimens of Sewing Machines contributed by Foster & Richardson, General New England Agents, 144 Washington Street. The object of this Company is to offer to the public a sewing machine that is perfect in its mechanical construction,combining in the highest decree simplicity and durability. The Florence makes four different stitches with as much ease as ordinary machines make one, the stitch being the same on both sides. The Florence possesses many advantages over other machines; a careful examination will satisfy that it is the best sewing machine in the world. The Florences warrant every machine and give a written warranty, if required. Parties about to purchase will do well to examine. Reliable insurance is a question affecting the interests of every property owner, and in that connection we would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Edwin B. Dorr &  Co., on page 10. These gentlemen have a large experience in placing fire Insurance on factories, mills, and other good property in the best offices in New England, at fair rates, irrespective of the local tariffs; and parties making application to them can have their risks personally examined by them, and rates made in accordance with the hazard. Merchants and manufacturers would consult their best interests by corresponding with or calling upon these gentlemen at No. 19 Kilby Street,Boston.