This list of patents is far than be complete, further researches will be done, including patents for Needles and Knitting Machines.
US 376.475 James G. Greene
Patent US 322.428, to Philip Diehl, dated July 21, 1885, shows and describes a button-hole-cutting mechanism in which the button-holes are cut by a striking cutter, which is caused to descend quickly and forcibly by the movement of a handle attached to a rock shaft connected with the cutting-lever. Such a cutting mechanism has, however, been found to be objectionable for the reason that the shock or jar of the striking cutter or cutting lever loosens the screws and other parts of the button-hole-stitching machine to which the cutter is attached and thereby impairs the efficiency of the machine, besides being destructive to the knife. The object of my invention is to obviate the objections to the button-hole-cutting mechanism above referred to, this object being attained by providing the lever which carries the cutter or cutting-block with a hand-lever which is arranged to impinge beneath the lower end of the head at the forward part of the bracket arm of the sewing machine in such a manner that the cutting-lever may be forced downward by the operator to cut the button-holes by a gradual but powerful pressure.
Assignor to the Singer Manufacturing Company
January 17, 1888
US 377.421 Carl Bell
Sewing Machine Bobbin Winder
February 7, 1888
MARCH 1888
US 379.811 George Reimann
Improvements in Fare-Boxes
Assignor to the NähMaschinen Fabrik, vormals FRISTER & ROSSMANN
March 20, 1888
APRIL 1888
MAY 1888
JUNE 1888
JULY 1888
US 387.058 Andrew Eppler Jr.
Machine for Feather Edging and Channeling Boot or Shoe Soles
July 31, 1888
US 387.059 Andrew Eppler Jr.
Sole-Edge-Molding Machine
July 31, 1888
US 391.666 Simon Willard Wardwell Jr.
Revolving Hook for Sewing Machine
My invention relates to that class of sewing machines in which a revolving bowl or concavo-convex hook carries a loop of needle-thread around a stationary case holding a bobbin or spool and my invention consists in constructing and arranging the parts, as fully set forth hereinafter and as illustrated by the accompanying drawings, to facilitate the operation of the machine.
October 23, 1888
US 394.972 John Milton Griest
Ruffling Attachment for Sewing Machine
The object of my invention is to provide a sewing machine ruffler of simple construction, adapted to apply the power to the best possible advantage, so that there will be a strong leverage at the moment when the ruffling-blade is about completing its forward stroke to finish a gather and thereby cause as little drag as possible on the needle-bar and also to provide a simple and efficient ruffler, the parts of which are mostly behind the needle of the machine, so as to be out of the way of the operator as much as possible.
Assignor to The Singer Manufacturing Company
December 25, 1888
1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849
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1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889
1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899
1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
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Report of the Commissioner of Patents for the Year 1888