JUNE 1824 TO THE 31st OF AUGUST 1872


June 1824 - August 1869


CA 1                                        Noah  Cushing

of the city of Quebec, in the district of Quebec, for a Washing and Fulling Machine.

June 8, 1824


CA 2                                     Isaac  Jones  Barnard

of the city of Quebec for an improved Machine for Cutting Nails.

July 21, 1824


CA 3-GEORGE, (James,) for an improvement in the construction of Wooden Railroads. Quebec, dated 13th December, 1824.


CA 4—DALKIN, (Robert,) of the city of Quebec-for an Improvement in the DrumCylinder, and Double Drum-Cylinder, used in the manufacture of Ropes, Cables, &c.

Quebec, dated 30th November, 1825.


CA 5—JACOB, (Justin,) of the city of Montreal, for a Lever Engine. Quebec, dated 31st

October, 1826.


CA 6                                       Charles  Laurier

of the parish of La Chenaye, in the district of Montreal, for a Machine or Instrument called Loch Terrestre, for accurately ascertaining the number of Rotatory motions or revolutions of carriage-wheels, mill-stones, &c.

October 31, 1826


CA 7—CUSHING, (Noah,) of the parish of Lotbiniere in the district of Quebec; and

WELTON, (Hanson,) of the city of Quebec-for a Threshing and Winnowing Machine.

Quebec, dated 31st October, 1826.


CA 8—HOYLE, (Robert,) for an Improved Machine for Dressing Flax or Hemp. Quebec,

dated 3rd October, 1829.


CA 9—SPENCE, ( William John,) of the city of Montreal, for a Machine for Distributing

Ink over Printing Types. Quebec, dated 19th December, 1829.


CA 10—SCHOOLCRAFT, (Philip,) of tbe seigniory of St. Armand, in the district of Montreal, for a Machine for Cutting Timber into Sidings, Clap-boards, Shingles, Laths, &c,

&c. Quebec, dated, loth May, 1830.


CA 11—SCHOOLCRAFT, (Philip,) of the seigniory of St. Armand, in the district of Montreal, for a " New and Improved Spinning Machine." Quebec, dated 26th June, 1830.


CA 12—HOYLE, (Robert,) of the seigniory of Lacolle, in the district of Montreal, for an

" Improved Hydraulic Steam Engine." Quebec, dated 25th June, 1830.


CA 13—ANDRES, {Samuel,) of Blairfindie, in the district of Montreal, for a " Machine for

Manufacturing Hat Bodies." Quebec, dated 9th August, 1830.


CA 14—ANDRES, (Samuel,) of Blairfindie, in the district of Montreal, for a "Gauge or

Instrument to ascertain the Weight or Tonnage of Goods, Shipped on board Canal Boats,

&c, &c. Quebec, dated 9tb August, 1830.


CA 15-ANDRES, (Samuel,) of Blairfindie, in the district of Montreal, for an "Improved

Grist Mill." Quebec, dated 25th October, 1830.


CA 16—MANNING, (John,) of the Township of Hinchinbrooke, district of .Montreal, tor a

" Machine for Threshing Grain and Hulling Clover Seed." Quebec, dated 1st November, 1830.


CA 17-AUSTIN, (Amos,) of Bolton, iu the district of Montreal, for a " Machine for

Threshing Grain." Quebec, dated 3rd January, 1831.


CA 18-ANDRES, (Samuel,) of Blairfindie, in the district of Montreal, for a " Machine

for manufacturing Crackers and Biscuits." Quebec, dated 3rd January) 1831.


CA 19-McCANNA, (John,) of the seigniory of St. Armand, district of Montreal, for an

" Improved Striking Clock." Quebec, dated 1st March, 1831.No. 20-SINGER, {Frederick,) of St. Philip, district of Montreal, for a " New and Improved

Threshing Machine." Quebec, dated 2nd March, 1831.


CA 21—ANDRES (Samuel,) and ANDRES, (Stephen H.,) of Blairfindie, district of Montreal,

for a " Tread Wheel or Endless Chain for Propelling various kinds of Machinery, with

either Water or Horse Power, &c." Quebec, dated 14th March, 1831.


CA 22—BELANGER, (Edouard,) of River Ouelle, County of Kainouraska, district of

Quebec, for a " New and useful Machine for Threshing Grain." Quebec, dated 30th March,



CA 23—DAILY, (Uriah,) of Bolton, County of Stanstead, district of Montreal, for a " New

and Useful Grist Mill." Quebec, dated 7th April, 1831.


CA 24—DOUGLASS, (John C.,) of the city of Montreal, for a " New and Useful Improvement in the Construction of Steam Engine Boilers, called Safety Steam Boiler."

Quebec, dated 27th September, 1831. •


CA 25—RATCLIFF, (John,) of Odeiltown, in the district of Montreal, for a "New and

Useful Invention and Composition for Preparing Lamps and Chandeliers for producing

Light similar to Gas." Quebec, dated 3rd October, 1831.


CA 26-RATOLIFF, (John,) of Odeiltown, in the district of Montreal, for a " Machine for

Threshing all kinds of Grain and Hay Seed." Quebec, dated 3rd October, 183U


CA 27—HENRY, (Hugh,) of St. Francois, district of Three Rivers, for an "Improvement

in the Lever Power, so as to be applicable to the movement of all Machinery. Quebec,

dated 19th November, 1831.


CA 28—DUCHAINE, (Amable,) of Ste. Marie de la Nouvelle Beauce, district of Quebec, for

an " Improvement in the manner of Building or Constructing Bridges." Quebec, dated 30th

November, 1831.


CA 29—MATHEWSON (John,) of the city of Montreal, for a " Soap Cutting Machine."

Quebec, dated 27th December, 1831.


CA 30—MOLT, (Theodore Frederick,) of the city of Quebec, for a " Chromatometer."

Quebec, dated 6th April, 1332.


CA 31—FRENCH (Edward Jewet,) of Saint Armand, in the district of Montreal, for an

" Improvement in the Threshing Machines now in use." Quebec, dated 18*,h December,



CA 32—BAIRD, (Nicol Hugh,) of the city of Montreal, for a " New Mode of Constructing

Suspension Wooden Bridges." Quebec, dated 29th April, 1833.


CA 33—LEGGO, ( William Augustus,) of Quebec, for a " Machine for Extracting Stumps

from New Lauds." Quebec, dated 28th January, 1834.


CA 34—BETHUNE, (Norman,) city of Montreal, for an " Improvement in the Construction

of Steam Vessels and other Water Craft." Quebec, dated 4th February, 1834.


CA 35-McKENZIE, (James,) of the city of Quebec, for a "Machine for Rendering

Linens, Woollens, Cottons, &c, &c, Impervious to Water, by means of a Preparation of

Indian Rubber." Quebec, dated 19th January, 1834.


CA 36—SPALDING, (Joel,) of Farnham, county of Sheflord, for an " Improved Cribble

for Separating Indian Peas from Wheat." Quebec, dated 30th June, 1834.


CA 37—WAR RENT, (Otis,) of Stanstead, in the district of St. Francis, for a "New and

Useful Weighing Balance." Quebec, dated 30th June, 1834.


CA 38—BETH UNE, (Norman,) of Montreal, for a " New and Useful Model for Building

and Constructing Sieam Vessels and other Descriptions of Water Craft." Quebec, dated

14ih August, 1S34.


CA 39-BADDELY, (Frederick Henry), Quebec, for a " New and Useful Water Cement."

Quebec, dated 9th October, 1834.


CA 40-WICKSTEL'D, (Gustavus William), of Quebec, for a " New method of Constructing

Suspension Bridgls of Wood or Metal." Quebec, dated Slst October, 1835.


CA 41—BUTTERY, (Sampson,) o£ William Henry, district of Montreal, for a " New and

Useful Discovery in the Process of Fermentation." Quebec, dated 4th November, 1835.


CA 42-HAURINGTON, (Elisha William,) of Foucault, district of Montreal, for a"Composition of Matter distinguished by the name of Lime Water." Quebec, dated 20th

February, 1830.


CA 43—ANDRES, '(Samuel,) and ANDRES, (Stephen J?.,) of Chambly, district of Montreal, for a "New Discovery in the application of Steel Springs as a Propelling Power, with a moveable Iron Rim for the purpose of applying the Lever." Quebec.

February 2, 1837


CA 44—ANDRES, (Samuel,) and ANDRES, (Stephen R.,) of Chambly, district of Montreal,

for a " Moveable, Falling or Draw Iron and Wooden Bridge, applicable to Rapids and

other Streams." Quebec, dated 4th February, 1837.


CA 45-ANDRES, (Samuel,) and ANDRES, (Stephen JR.,) of Chambly, district of Montreal,

for a "Fire- Proof Safe, as applicable to Vaults, Cells for Gaols, &c, constructed of Hydraulic

Cement or Water Llme. ; ' Quebec, dated 1st April, 1837.


CA 46—VANN"OVOUS, (John,) of Quebec, for a "New and Useful Stove." Quebec, dated

7th November, 1837.


CA 47—JOHNSON, ( William Pople.) of Riviere du Loup, district of Quebec, for a " Method

of connecting Stove Pipes and other Tubes of thin Metal." Quebec, dated 8th June, 1838.


CA 48—SISSON, (Zebediah,) of Quebec, for an "Improved Planing and Matching

Machine." Montreal, dated 13th June, 1839.


CA 49-McKENZlE, (James,) and BOWLES, (Thomas,) of Quebec, for a "New and

Improved Method of Grinding Plaster of Paris." Montreal, dated 7th August, 1839.


CA 50—NUNNS, ( William,) of Sorel, district of Montreal, for "Certain New and Useful

Improvements in the construction of Steam Engines." Montreal, dated 4th December, 1839.


CA 51—McKENZIE, (James,) of Quebec, for a "New and Improved Windlass Propeller." Montreal, dated 13th March, 1840.


CA 52-NUNNS, (William,) of Sorel, district of Montreal, for a "New method of constructing Steamboats and other Vessels propelled by Paddle-wheels." Montreal, dated 20th

June, 1810.


CA 53—MORIN, (Moyse,) of Riv ere du Loup, district of Quebec, for a " Net or Seine for

the Capture of Porpoises." Quebec, dated 5th August, 1840.


CA 54—WALKER, (Nelson,) of Montreal, for an " Improvement upon Smith's Patent

Archimedian Screw." Montreal, dated 24th March, 1841.


CA 55—WALKER, (Nelson,) of Montreal, for an "Improved method of Constructing the

Propellers by him discovered and invented, and for which he obtained a Patent, dated 24th

March. Kingston, 18th January, 1842.


CA 56-FLEMING, (Peter,) of Montreal, for a " New and Improved Paddle-wheel called

the Osculatory Propeller." Kingston, dated 12th March, 1842.


CA 57—OGDEN, (Isaac Gouvemeur,) town of Three Rivers, for "A method of Propelling

Vessels by means of Heated Air acting on the fluid in which they Float." Kingston, dated

27th June, 1842.


CA 58-ARMS, ( William,) of Sherbrooke, district of St. Francis, for " A machine called a

Smut Machine for cleaning Grain." Kingston, 25th July, 1842.


CA 59—BELA.NGER, (Eclouard,) River Ouclle, district of Quebec, for a " New and Useful

Machine, hung with Nets, for fishing and taking Eels." Kingston, 25th August, 1842.


CA 60—ROSS, (Darid Alexander,) of Quebec, for "Certain new Improvements in the

Stoves cast in Scotland, and Three Rivers, in Canada, commonly called Canada Box

Stoves." Kingston, dated 31st August, 1842.


CA 61—TRIPP, (Harvey,) of the seigniory of Vaudreuil, for a "New and useful method of

constructing Wheels to be driven by Water." Kingston, 12th December, 1842.


CA 62—MCDONALD, (Donald Alexander,) of Beauharnois, for a " Drilling Machine for

the purpose of boring and drilling holes, &c, in Rock, Canal Quarries, or for any other purpose." Kingston, dated 19th December, 1842.


CA 63-LAMB, (John,) of Montreal, for a "New and Improved Water-Wheel." King,

ston, dated 3rd April, 1843.No. 64—LEMOINE, (Louis,) of Quebec, for a " Machine for extinguishing Fires, to wit, a

Fire Engine." Kingston, dated 1st June, 1843.


CA 65-BROWN, (John O.,) of Montreal, for " New and Improved Trusses." Kingston,

dated 7th July, 1843.


CA 66—GING RAS, (Edouard,) of the city of Quebec, for a " New and useful method of constructing Springs for Carriages/' Kingston, dated 16th September, 1843.


CA 67-ADAMS, (Austin,) of the city of Montreal, for a "Machine for Grinding Clay."

Kingston, dated 8th January, 1844.


CA 68-BIGELOW, (Hiram,) Coteau du Lac, district of Montreal, for a " New and improved

Revolving Drying Kiln." Kingston, dated 9th January, 1844.


CA 69—HOLLAND, (John M.


) Sault au Recollect, district of Montreal, for a "Spike

Machine." Kingston, dated 6th March, 1844.


CA 70—PROUDLOCK, (Thomas,) of the township of Wentworth, district of Montreal, for a

" Method of pumping Ships and other Vessels, called the Seaman's Friend." Montreal, dated

16th October, 1844.


CA 71—MILLIGAN, (George,) of Quebec, for a " New method of constructing Piano

Fortes." Montreal, dated 21st November, 1844.


CA 72—SMOLINSKr, (Joseph,) of the city of Quebec, for a " Ne w cast iron cooking and calorlferous Stove, and an alteration in the construction of the crockery or brick Stove, being an

improvement on the Stove introduced by one John Vannovous." Montreal, dated 21st

November, 1844.


CA 73—HOSKYNS, (Chandos,) of Montreal, for an " Improvement in the Truss for the

alleviation and cure of Hernea." Montreal, dated 31st January, 1845.


CA 74—OUELLET, (Jean F. O.,) of Montreal, for a "New method of propelling Vessels,

Carriages, &c, &c, by machinery, without the ageucy of luel." Montreal, dated 26th March,



CA 75-NICHOLS, (Elias,) of the town of Sherbrooke, district of St. Francis, for a "New

method of constructing "Water-wheels." Montreal, dated 4th April, 1845.


CA 76—GILBERT, (Ebenezer E.,) of Montreal, for a " New and useful method of constructing Counter-balance Machines." Montreal, dated 21st May, 1845.


CA 77—BA1RD, (Nicol Hugh,) of Montreal, for a " New method of constructing Paddle

Wheels of the description termed Sweeping Paddle-wheels, for propelling Steam and

other Vessels." Montreal, dated 30th May, 1845.


CA 78-"WARREN, (Samuel R.,)of Montreal, for a "Method of constructing Harmonic

attachments for Piano Fortes." Montreal, dated 9th July, 1845.


CA 79—WATTS, (William,) of Montreal, for a " Method of constructing Instruments for

digging Potatoes, called Potato Diggers." Montreal, dated 19th July, 1845.


CA 80—YOUNG, (Albert,) of the township of Stanstead, for a ''New method of making

Rakes for Hay and Grain." Montreal, dated 22nd August, 1845.


CA 81—McKAY, (James,) of the city of Montreal, for a " New and improved Steam

Engine." Montreal, dated 10th September, 1845.


CA 82—NADEAU, (Francois,) of the city of Quebec, for a "New and improved mode of

constructing Windows." Montreal, dated 18th September, 1845.


CA 83—HEBERT, (Alexis,) of Napierville, in the district of Montreal, for a " New and improved Sawing Machine." Montreal, dated 10th October, 1845.


CA 84—MORRIN, (Moyse,) of Riviere du Loup, in the district of Quebec, for " New and

improved Nets for taking Seals and Porpoises." Montreal, dated 15th October, 1845.


CA 85—TIBBETS, (Benjamin F.,) of the city of Montreal, for a "New and improved Steam

Engine." Montreal, dated 10th November, 1845.


CA 86—BALL, (Jasper,) of the township of Stanstead, in the district of St. Francis, for a

" New and improved Churn." Montreal, dated 7th January, 1846.


CA 87—YOUNG, (Albert,) of the township of Stanstead, in the district of St. Francis, for a

w New and useful House Pump or Fire Engine." Montreal , dated 26th February, 1846.No. 88-TREPANIER, (Augusta,) of the city of Quebec, for a " New and useful Machine

for Working Stone." Montreal, dated 4th March, 1846.


CA 89-RILEY, (George,) of the city of Montreal, for a " New and improved Still for Distilling and Rectifying Spirituous Liquors." Montreal, dated 18th March, 1846.


CA 90-ROCKWELL, (Horatio A.,) of the township of Farnham, in the district of Montreal, for a " New and improved Yoke for Oxen. Montreal, dated 24th March, 1840.


CA 91-LEE, (Jonas Philip,) of the town of Sherbrooke, in the district of St. Francis, for

a " New and useful improvement in the method of constructing KNITTING Looms." Montreal,


dated 4th June, 1846.


CA 92-DUELL, (Ephraim,) of the parish of St. Armand West, iu the district of Montreal,

for a " New and improved Churn." Montreal, dated 6th May, 1846.


CA 93                                       Harrison  Colby

of the parish of Abbotsford, in the district of Montreal, for a new and improved Gas Generator.

June 22, 1846


CA 94-CAMPBELL, (James,) of South Georgetown, in the district of Montreal, for a

"Towing Machine, for towing vessels up Rapids." Montreal.

June 22, 1846


CA 95 JOHNSON, (Gor. on Warren,) of the city of Montreal, for a " New and improved Hoisting Machine." Montreal, dated 24th June, 1846.


CA 96                                        Noah  Shaw

of Montreal, for a new method of constructing portable Grist Mills.

August 3, 1846
