US 34.413 Augustus Destouy
Improvements in machinery for sewing boots or shoes and other like articles made of leather
February 18, 1862
US RE 3.635 Charles Goodyear jr. &
Francis Du Bois & Frederick Renaud and Henry T. Close
The main feature of this invention relates to machinery for the production of welted boots or shoes
Assignees of Augustus Destouy
September 7, 1869
US 95.571 Augustus Destouy
This invention relates to that class of sewing machines for which Letters Patent of the United States were granted to me in February 18, 1862 (US 34.413) and July 31, 1866 (US 56.729)
Assignor to Charles Goodyear jr.
October 5, 1869
US 96.944 Daniel Mills
This invention relates to a sewing machine which is intended, particularly, to sew the outer sole of boots or shoes to the welt
Assignor to Charles Goodyear jr.
November 16, 1869
US 111.197 Charles Goodyear jr.
Improvements in Machinery for Stitching Soles to the Welts of Boots and Shoes
January 24, 1871
US 112.802 Charles Goodyear jr.
Improvements in Machines for Sewing Turned Shoes or Welts
March 21, 1871
US 113.420 Charles Goodyear jr. & Joze Da Silva
Improvements in Boot and Shoe Soles
Assignors to Charles Goodyear jr.
April 4, 1871
US 116.947 Charles Goodyear jr.
Improvements in Machinery for Sewing Boots and Shoes
July 11, 1871
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