Shaw H. & Son
magnet & ships' compass needle manufacturers 45-7 Monmouth Street
Worrall Hallam & Co.
steel wire manufactrs. Needle works Warren Street
J. Shipman & Co.
by James Pigot (1818)
Or Sheaffield, a manufacturing town of much note, in the west riding of the county of York, pleasantly situated upon an eminence, at the conflux of the river Sheaf and Don, with a stone bridge over each. This town appears all business, life, and activity. The spirit, ingenuity, and industry of the inhabitants may be said to be unequalled and few towns in England can boast of more mental and mechanical ability than Sheffield. It appears from the town seal, and other circumstances, that Sheffield has been a staple for iron manufactures since the year 1297; but for some centuries after this, the trade remained confined, and of little consequence. The sale of the goods made here was extended only to some of the principal places in England and the mode of conveying them by pack horses, once a week, to the metropolis, was slow tedious and expensive. It is little more than seventy years since the manufacturers of Sheffield possessed the advantages of a trade with the continent of Europe. Mr. Joseph Broadbent was the first person who opened an immediate connexion, and the conveyance of goods was much facilitated by the Don being soon after made navigable, to within three miles of the town. From this moment Sheffield began to grow in spirit and commercial consequence. The pack horse was superseded by the accomplished traveller and man of business. An increase of order and wealth produced a corresponding increase of invention and competition. Industry and prosperity went hand in hand; and immense quantities of goods have long been exported to America, the West Indies, and all parts of the European continent. The mines of iron in the neighbourhood materially advance and encourage the cutlers and smiths' manufactures. These chiefly consist of files, knives, &c. The making of buttons, tea-urns, tankards, cups, candlesticks, and various other articles, in silver plated and Britannia metal, is also pursued by many persons, and contributes greatly to the population and wealth of the town. The first mills in England, for turning grinds stones, were also set up here. The act for the establishment of the corporation of Master Cutlers, was passed in 1695, and amended in 1791. The society is governed by a master, two wardens, six searchers, and twenty-four assistants. Here are four places of worship belonging to the establishment: Trinity Church, which is a fine gothic structure, St. Paul's, St. James's, and the chapel at the Duke of Norfolk's hospital; also various meeting-houses, for all the different denominations of dissenters. The Duke of Norfolk's Hospital was erected in 1670, for the benefit of fifteen men and fifteen women; but three more dwellings have been added, and the number of persons increased to eighteen of each sex. Another hospital, for the benefit of sixteen poor cutlers' widows, was erected in 1703. Here is also a charity school, for the maintenance and education of poor boys, from the age of seven to thirteen; a free grammar school, the patent for which was granted by James I though it does not appear to have been finished till the year 1642 and to these seminaries of instruction have long been added extensive and liberal Sunday school establishments. Sheffield likewise possesses many other benevolent and public institutions. An infirmary; a town-hall, where the business of the town is transacted, and the sessions held; a spacious market place, containing extensive shambles and other conveniences, erected by the Duke of Norfolk; commodious water works, by which the town is well supplied, at an easy expence, with that first of necessaries; together with various been obtained, places of for amusement, the better regulation &c. In the course of the present year 1818, an Act has been obtained, for the better regulation of the town. The population of Sheffield, including Ecclesall and Brightside Bierlow, according to a late calculation is estimated at about 52.000. The market days are Tuesday and Saturday. Fairs on Tuesday after Trinity Sunday, and November 28.