A POPULOUS, flourishing, and pleasantly situated town, in the West Riding of York
shire, distant from York 29 miles, Leeds nine, and London 184. Over the River Calder
is a handsome stone bridge, with eight arches, in the centre of which stands an ancient
chapel, said to have been built by Edward IV. in memory of his father, Richard, Duke
of York, who, with many of his friends, was slain near this place, in 1459 —The old
church, (Allhallows) is a large and lofty Gothic building, esteemed one of the handsomest
of the kind in the kingdom—the new church, (St. John's) is an elegant structure of white
stone. Here are also several meeting houses for dissenters. The principle trade of this
town and neighbourhood, is the manufacture of cloths, herseys, blankets, duffels, &c.
which are usually vended at the Leeds and Huddersfield markets. There are several ex
tensive collieries here, two of which, by means of iron rail-ways, supply the town and
neighbourhood with coals, at an easy expence. The river Calder runs through the town,
and the Aire through Leeds, then join a little above Castleford bridge, and, in an united
stream, form that navigation from this trading part of Yorkshire to Hull, which is of so
much advantage to the whole county. The quarter sessions of the peace, for the West
Riding are held here—the sessions house is a modern and elegant structure, standing
hearly in the centre.of the town. The house of correction for the West Riding, which,
with the workshops, &c. for the prisoners, covers nearly four acres of ground; is a fine
building, extremely clean and well managed. The free school, founded and endowed by
Queen Elizabeth, (but much enlarged by addditional benefactions) is a spacious buildidg,
containing a valuable library—here are sehools on the systems of Bell and Lancaster; also
many Sunday schools, and a charity school for the instruction and clothing of 106 poor
boys and girls. The market is held on Friday, for corn, wool, stuffs, &c. and is con
sidered one of the most considerable in the kingdom—markets are also held every Wed
nesday fortnight, for horned cattle and sheep, which are numerously attended by persons
from various parts of the country. Fairs July 4, 5, and November 11, 12, for horses
horned cattle, &c.—Population about 10,000. - -