Wrexham is a populous market town, lying in the great road from Shrewsbury to Chester. The streets, crossing each other reciprocally at right angles, are spacious and the building in general good, particularly the High-street, where the weekly markets are lield; at the upper end of which is a handsome structure, of the Doric order, the upper apartment of which is used as a municipal hall and the piazza part below as a kind of diurnal mart. It
appears to have been a place of some antiquity, being well known to the Saxons by the name of Wrightesham. The country around is beautiful, which has induced many families to fix their residence in its neighbourhood. The church, formerly collegiate, the glory not only of the place, but of North Wales, may vie with many cathedrals. It is erected
on the scite of the former one, which was *::::: by fire, and exhibits a specimen of
design, proportion, and moderate decoration, per ps not surpassed, if equalled, by any
edifice built in the time of Henry VII. There are several monuments well worth the
attention of the curious, visiting the town; particularly the one to the memory of Mrs.
of ber linen, the Mary most linsey-woolsey, tioned noted church, endowed tion, fairs, ated late a new all latter 19th, calculation parts 190 being are annual Myddleton, descriptions. Yorkshire by market there by is miles in Simon annually; of the afuture Valentine fair great the are on principal from hor York, is cloths, higdom. held the meeting-houses daughter to thoroughfare. near es Fairs also London, third be here, Broughton, and Esq. held, one Manchester 5000. are (according Thursday cattle which The of of ;also viz. and and Sir Erthig, in sommodities for The held for Its lasts on in labundance. Richard lgoods, to different inºnuary, the weekly the from here he nine principal clerk a month instruction 7th resolution and on Myddleton, days, Chester. markets sects brought of of Holy Traders of Birmingham the August, and trade and of March, Thursday, of of markets) are by on dissenters. The istwelve arrises the of the the frequented from on and beginning Chirk population, Monday Welsh, second principal and the boys, the other June from Sheffield 29th There Castle. following Thursday by are and 16th, the parts inhabitants, its Wrexham of tradesmen according chiefly is Thursday, 23d, October, also central manufactures aand Besides; bring free in additional there flannels, September December is school situa sanc Irish from to situ is but the aa ber, for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, &c